我已经看过几个例子,比如:accent insensitive regex,但我不明白在typeahaead中实现它的形式。我也看到了这一点:Typeahead insensitive accent我创建了一个新文件bootstrap3-typeahead-ci.min.js
这是我的 typeahead.js (简化)
function buscar(texto){
if ($('.typetitulo').length) {
var lang = $("#lang_js").data('value');
var json_location = 'storage/json/';
var noticia_location = 'actualidad/';
var noticias = new Bloodhound({
prefetch: {
url: json_location + lang + '/' + 'noticia.json',
cache: false
datumTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.obj.whitespace('title', 'lead'),
queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace
var documentos = new Bloodhound({
prefetch: {
url: json_location + '/' + 'documento.json',
cache: false
datumTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.obj.whitespace('name', 'description'),
queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace
name: 'noticias',
display: 'title',
source: noticias,
templates: {
header: "<h3>"+ tit_actualidad +"</h3>",
suggestion: function (item) {
var enlace = noticia_location + item.id + '/' + item.slug;
return "<div><a href='"+enlace+"'>" + item.title + "</a></div>";
name: 'documentos',
display: 'name',
source: documentos,
templates: {
header: "<h3>"+ tit_documentos +"</h3>",
suggestion: function (item) {
var enlace = item.path;
return "<div><a href='"+enlace+"'>" + item.name + "</a></div>";
}).on('typeahead:selected', function(e){
中{!! Form::open([
'route' => 'buscar',
'id' => 'buscar',
'name' => 'buscar',
'class' => 'buscador col-xs-12',
'method' => 'POST',
'accept-charset' => 'utf-8'
]) !!}
<input name="texto" class="input_buscador typetitulo" autocomplete="off" type="text"/>
<input name="lang" type="hidden" value="{{$lang}}"/>
{!! HTML::image('images/web/icons/lupa.svg', '', array('height' => '30', 'class' => 'boton_buscador', 'onclick' => 'document.buscar.submit()') ) !!}
{!! Form::close() !!}
// .... //
@if(isset($data['noticias']) && $data['noticias']->count() !== 0)
<div class="col-xs-12 pad_inf_2">
@foreach($data['noticias'] as $value)
<span class="item">
<a href="{{ route('noticia', [$value['id'], $value['slug']]) }}">{{$value['title']}}</a>
@if(isset($data['docs']) && $data['docs']->count() !== 0)
<div class="col-xs-12 pad_inf_2">
@foreach($data['docs'] as $value)
<span class="item">
<a href="{{ asset(($value['type'] == 'url')? $value['url'] : $value['path']) }}" target="_blank">{{$value['name']}}</a>
这是 typeahead-insensitive.js ,如下所示:[{3}}
// function for making a string accent insensitive
$.fn.typeahead.Constructor.prototype.normalize = function (str) {
// escape chars
var normalized = str.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&");
// map equivalent chars
normalized = normalized.replace(/[aãáàâ]/gi, '[aãáàâ]');
normalized = normalized.replace(/[eẽéèê]/gi, '[eẽéèê]');
normalized = normalized.replace(/[iĩíìî]/gi, '[iĩíìî]');
normalized = normalized.replace(/[oõóòô]/gi, '[oõóòô]');
normalized = normalized.replace(/[uũúùû]/gi, '[uũúùû]');
normalized = normalized.replace(/[cç]/gi, '[cç]');
// convert string to a regular expression
// with case insensitive mode
normalized = new RegExp(normalized, 'gi');
// return regular expresion
return normalized;
// change 'matcher' method so it became accent insensitive
$.fn.typeahead.Constructor.prototype.matcher = function (item) {
// get item to be evaluated
var source = this.displayText(item);
// make search value case insensitive
var normalized = this.normalize(this.query);
// search for normalized value
return source.match(normalized);
// change 'highlighter' method so it became accent insensitive
$.fn.typeahead.Constructor.prototype.highlighter = function (item) {
// get html output
var source = this.displayText(item);
// make search value case insensitive
var normalized = this.normalize(this.query);
// highlight normalized value in bold
return source.replace(normalized, '<strong>$&</strong>');
{{-- Typeahead --}}
{!! HTML::script('https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/typeahead.js/0.11.1/typeahead.bundle.min.js') !!}
{!! HTML::script('js/web/typeahead-insensitive.js') !!}
{!! HTML::script('js/web/typeahead.js') !!}