DataTables使用脚注导出PDF / Excel

时间:2018-03-13 10:39:45

标签: jquery datatables


我试图在Buttons>中使用jQuery来获取当前表元素。如果可能,自定义PDF / Excel的功能。有了这个,我然后尝试获得匹配(附近).table-footnotes列表。然后,我想在Customize函数中循环这些列表元素,并将它们附加到表格之后的PDF / Excel文件中,这样我就可以有效地在HTML中显示导出文件上的所有相应脚注。

<table class='custom-table table display'>
    <td>Column Heading 1</td>
    <td>Column Heading 1</td>
    <td>Column Heading 1</td>
    <td>Column content row 1</td>
    <td>Column content row 1</td>
    <td>Column content row 1</td>

<ul class='table-footnotes'>
 <li>1. footnote 1</li>
 <li>2. footnote 2</li>
 <li>3. footnote 3</li>

        paging: false,
        autoWidth: false,
        searching: false,
        ordering: true,
        "order": [],
        responsive: false,
        dom: 'B<"clear">rt',
        "columnDefs": [
            { "name": "My column title", "targets": 0, "className": "helper" }
        buttons: [

                text: 'Show/Hide Table',
                className: 'b-toggle toggle-table helper',
                titleAttr: 'Show and Hide the table of data by clicking \"Show/Hide Table\"\ncopy to clipboard by clicking \"Copy\"\nor copy to Excel by clicking \"Excel\"'
                extend: 'pdfHtml5',
                className: 'b-pdf helper',
                title: 'Table Title',
                messageBottom: 'Table Source',
                footer: true,
                orientation: 'landscape',
                customize: function (doc) {
                extend: 'excelHtml5',
                className: 'b-html helper',
                title: 'Excel Title',
                messageBottom: 'Excel Source',
                footer: true

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