
时间:2018-03-13 01:42:20

标签: haskell compiler-construction pattern-matching recursive-descent


data CST 
    = Program CST CST
    | Block CST CST CST 
    | StatementList CST CST
    | EmptyStatementList
    | Statement CST
    | PrintStatement CST CST CST CST
    | AssignmentStatement CST CST CST
    | VarDecl CST CST
    | WhileStatement CST CST CST 
    | IfStatement CST CST CST 
    | Expr CST
    | IntExpr1 CST CST CST 
    | IntExpr2 CST
    | StringExpr CST CST CST
    | BooleanExpr1 CST CST CST CST CST
    | BooleanExpr2 CST 
    | Id CST
    | CharList CST CST 
    | EmptyCharList
    | Type CST 
    | Character CST
    | Space CST
    | Digit CST
    | BoolOp CST
    | BoolVal CST
    | IntOp CST
    | TermComponent Token
    | ErrorTermComponent (Token, Int)
    | NoInput


checkAndPrintParse :: CST -> IO ()
checkAndPrintParse (Program c1 c2) = do
    putStrLn "Parser: parseProgram" 
    checkAndPrintParse c1
    checkAndPrintParse c2
checkAndPrintParse (Block c1 c2 c3) = do
    putStrLn "Parser: parseBlock"
    checkAndPrintParse c1
    checkAndPrintParse c2
    checkAndPrintParse c3
checkAndPrintParse (StatementList c1 c2) = do
    putStrLn "Parser: parseStatementList"
    checkAndPrintParse c1
    checkAndPrintParse c2


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


  • 导出Generic(来自GHC.Generics
  • 致电conNameOf :: CSTF -> String(来自Generics.Deriving


  • 使用makeBaseFunctor派生递归类型的基础仿函数。 CST的基本仿函数(CSTF)是一种参数化类型,其形状与CST相同,但CST的递归出现次数被type参数替换。
  • 学习使用cata(开头可能有些弯曲)。在这种情况下,我们希望从IO ()递归构造CST动作,即函数CST -> IO ()。为此,cata的类型变为(CSTF (IO ()) -> IO ()) -> CST -> IO ()(带t ~ CSTa ~ IO ()),其中第一个参数定义了生成的递归函数的主体,以及递归的结果调用放在基础仿函数的字段中。


checkAndPrintParse (Program c1 c2) = do
  putStrLn "Parser: parseProgram" 
  checkAndPrintParse c1
  checkAndPrintParse c2


-- goal: find f such that   cata f = checkAndPrintParse

-- By definition of cata
cata f (Program c1 c2) = f (ProgramF (cata f c1) (cata f c2))

-- By the goal and the definition of checkAndPrintParse
cata f (Program c1 c2) = checkAndPrintParse (Program c1 c2) = do
  putStrLn "Parser: parseProgram" 
  checkAndPrintParse c1
  checkAndPrintParse c2


f (ProgramF (cata f c1) (cata f c2)) = do
  putStrLn "Parser: parseProgram"
  cata f c1
  cata f c2

摘要cata f c1cata f c2

f (ProgramF x1 x2) = do
  putStrLn "Parser: parserProgram"
  x1 >> x2


f t@(ProgramF _ _) = do
  putStrLn "Parser: parserProgram"
  sequence_ t


f t = do
  putStrLn $ "Parser: " ++ conNameOf t  -- Prints "ProgramF" instead of "parserProgram"... *shrugs*
  sequence_ t


{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

import GHC.Generics
import Generics.Deriving (conNameOf)
import Data.Functor.Foldable
import Data.Functor.Foldable.TH (makeBaseFunctor)

data CST 
    = Program CST CST
    | Block CST CST CST 
    | StatementList CST CST
    | EmptyStatementList
    | Statement CST
    | PrintStatement CST CST CST CST
    | AssignmentStatement CST CST CST
    | VarDecl CST CST
    | WhileStatement CST CST CST 
    | IfStatement CST CST CST 
    | Expr CST
    | IntExpr1 CST CST CST 
    | IntExpr2 CST
    | StringExpr CST CST CST
    | BooleanExpr1 CST CST CST CST CST
    | BooleanExpr2 CST 
    | Id CST
    | CharList CST CST 
    | EmptyCharList
    | Type CST 
    | Character CST
    | Space CST
    | Digit CST
    | BoolOp CST
    | BoolVal CST
    | IntOp CST
    | TermComponent Token
    | ErrorTermComponent (Token, Int)
    | NoInput
    deriving Generic

data Token = Token

makeBaseFunctor ''CST

deriving instance Generic (CSTF a)

checkAndPrintParse :: CST -> IO ()
checkAndPrintParse = cata $ \t -> do
  putStrLn $ "Parser: " ++ conNameOf t
  sequence_ t

main = checkAndPrintParse $
  Program (Block NoInput NoInput NoInput) (Id NoInput)


Parser: ProgramF
Parser: BlockF
Parser: NoInputF
Parser: NoInputF
Parser: NoInputF
Parser: IdF
Parser: NoInputF