
时间:2018-03-12 18:29:16

标签: assembly x86


    INCLUDE Irvine32.inc                    ; Irvine's assembly library
ExitProcess PROTO,dwExitCode:DWORD      ; MS Windows ExitProcess function

array1 DWORD 10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100 ;Test array, change as you see fit.
string BYTE "Choose Number, Press Enter When Ready: ", 0 
main PROC                               ; main procedure, entry point
    mov ESI, OFFSET array1              ;move array to ESI for output
    mov ECX, LENGTHOF array1            ;set up loop for outputting array
    mov EAX, [ESI]                      ;move number from ESI to EAX
    add ESI, 4                          ;Have ESI point to next number
    call WriteDec                       ;Output EAX
    call Crlf
loop L1
    call Crlf
    mov EDX,OFFSET string
    call WriteString                    ;outputs instruction string
    call ReadInt                        ;recieves desired number from user, to EAX
    call search                         ;call search procedure
    call Crlf
    call WaitMsg

    INVOKE ExitProcess,0                ; end the program
main ENDP

search PROC
    push ECX
    push ESI
    push EAX
    push EDX

    mov ESI, OFFSET array1              ;move array to ESI for output
    mov ECX, LENGTHOF array1
    cmp EAX, [ESI]                      ;compare user input to array index
    JNE L2                              ;if not equal, jump to L2 to INC ESI
    mov EAX, LENGTHOF array1            ;for computing array position
    sub EAX, ECX                        ;This will give current position
    call WriteInt
    call Crlf
        cmp ECX, 0                      ;determine if every element has been checked
        JLE L3
      add ESI,4                         ;Make ESI point to next register
            string1 BYTE "Integer not found" ;If ECX = 0, everything checked
            mov  EDX,OFFSET string1          ;means its not found, so output not found
            call WriteString
            call Crlf
loop L1

    pop EDX
    pop EAX
    pop ESI
    pop ECX
search ENDP

为了清楚一些事情,调用Crfl,WriteXXX,ReadInt和WaitMsg都来自我的教科书中的Irvine32库。他们移动光标,输出到控制台窗口,从窗口输入并分别声明系统暂停。 WriteDec需要EAX寄存器,WriteString需要EDX。 ReadInt将输入放入EAX。如果您想了解更多信息,请告诉我,我会告诉您完整的功能列表。


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