
时间:2018-03-12 16:35:38

标签: post go get twilio

type TwilioMakeCallTwiML struct {
    Say     *sayTwIML  `xml:"Say,omitempty"`
    Play    *playTwIML `xml:"Play,omitempty"`
    XMLName xml.Name   `xml:"Response"`
    Dial    struct {
        Say      *sayTwIML `xml:"Say,omitempty"`
        Timeout  int `xml:"timeout,attr"`
        CallerID string `xml:"callerId,attr"`
        Record   string `xml:"record,attr"`
        Number struct {
            StatusCallbackEvent  string `xml:"statusCallbackEvent,attr"`
            StatusCallback       string `xml:"statusCallback,attr"`
            StatusCallbackMethod string `xml:"statusCallbackMethod,attr"`
            PhoneNumber          string `xml:",chardata"`
        } `xml:"Number,omitempty"`

    } `xml:"Dial,omitempty"`
    DialVoice    struct {
        Say      string `xml:"Say,omitempty"`
        CallerID string `xml:"callerId,attr"`
        Record   string `xml:"record,attr"`
        Number struct {
            StatusCallbackEvent  string `xml:"statusCallbackEvent,attr"`
            StatusCallback       string `xml:"statusCallback,attr"`
            StatusCallbackMethod string `xml:"statusCallbackMethod,attr"`
            PhoneNumber          string `xml:",chardata"`
        } `xml:"Number,omitempty"`

    } `xml:"Dial,omitempty"`

ttwilio.TwilioMakeCallTwiML字段“拨号”,标记为“Dial,omitempty”   与“DialVoice”字段冲突,标记为“Dial,omitempty”   HTTP | 2018/03/12 16:23:21   | [:: 1]:49370 | POST | / ttwilio / receiveIncomingCall | 500 | 21 || TwilioProxy / 1.1 | 18.924103ms |


    <Say>Please wait while we're trying to connect you to the next available representative.</Say>
    <Dial timeout="20"><!--cellphone #1--></Dial>

    <Say>Please wait while we're trying to connect you to the next available representative.</Say>
    <Dial timeout="20"><!--cellphone #2--></Dial>

    <Say>Please wait while we're trying to connect you to the next available representative.</Say>
    <Dial timeout="20"><!--cellphone #3--></Dial>

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