我的应用程序已经能够设置关闭显示时的超时,以及设置全部,以及一般设置当前亮度。 Windows还有一项功能可在一段时间后使显示屏变暗(高级电源方案设置中的“显示屏后面的显示屏变暗”和“显示调光亮度”)。
有没有人知道如何在我的应用程序(它的C / C ++应用程序)中查询/设置选项“Dim display after”和“Display dimming brightness”设置 - 如果可能的话,使用“纯”Windows API? / p>
以前非常感谢。 你的Willi K。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
#include <iniitguid.h> // Seems to be uncluded before Windows.h for some reason...
#include <windows.h>
#include <powrprof.h>
static const GUID GuidPwrVideoIf = GUID_VIDEO_SUBGROUP;
static const GUID GuidPwrDimTimeout = GUID_VIDEO_DIM_TIMEOUT;
void setBacklightDimming(DWORD timeOut, DWORD dimmedBrightness)
DWORD ret;
GUID *pGuidPwrActiveSheme;
// Attach to the active power scheme
ret = PowerGetActiveScheme(NULL, &pGuidPwrActiveSheme);
// Set the timeout that will elapse before the display will dim
ret = PowerWriteDCValueIndex(NULL, pGuidPwrActiveSheme, &GuidPwrVideoIf, &GuidPwrDimTimeout, timeOut);
// Set the dimmed brightness level
PowerWriteDCValueIndex(NULL, pGuidPwrActiveSheme, &GuidPwrVideoIf, &GuidPwrDimBrightness, dimmedBrightness);
// Apply the new setings immediately
retVal = PowerSetActiveScheme(NULL, pGuidPwrActiveSheme);
// Go on with whatever you want to do...
此代码示例在系统“On battary”(例如笔记本电脑)时更改设置。要在系统处于“交流电源”时设置设置,只需用PowerWrite AC ValueIndex()替换PowerWrite DC ValueIndex()。