为什么`docker-compose up`擦除卷?

时间:2018-03-09 16:30:42

标签: docker docker-compose



在某些时候,我有一个docker-compose堆栈(少量容器和卷)正在运行。我不得不停止容器重新使用相同的端口;我用docker stop命令做到了。


$ docker-compose start
Starting jenkins   ... done
Starting gitlab-ce ... done
ERROR: No containers to start


$ docker-compose ps
Name   Command   State   Ports


$ docker-compose up
Creating volume "dockerpipelinejenkins_jenkins_home" with default driver
Creating volume "dockerpipelinejenkins_gitlab_logs" with default driver
Creating volume "dockerpipelinejenkins_gitlab_data" with default driver
Creating volume "dockerpipelinejenkins_gitlab_config" with default driver
Creating dockerpipelinejenkins_jenkins_1   ... done
Creating dockerpipelinejenkins_gitlab-ce_1 ... done
Attaching to dockerpipelinejenkins_jenkins_1, dockerpipelinejenkins_gitlab-ce_1


为什么docker会删除卷,每次使用docker stop停止docker容器时都会发生?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


$ docker run --name test-vol -v test-vol:/data busybox sleep 10

$ docker volume rm test-vol
Error response from daemon: unable to remove volume: remove test-vol: volume is in use - [1de0add7a8dd6e083326888bc02d9954bfc7b889310ac238c34ac0a5b2f16fbf]

docker-compose down将删除容器,但除非您明确传递该选项,否则不会删除卷:

$ docker-compose down --help
Stops containers and removes containers, networks, volumes, and images
created by `up`.

By default, the only things removed are:

- Containers for services defined in the Compose file
- Networks defined in the `networks` section of the Compose file
- The default network, if one is used

Networks and volumes defined as `external` are never removed.

Usage: down [options]

    --rmi type          Remove images. Type must be one of:
                        'all': Remove all images used by any service.
                        'local': Remove only images that don't have a custom tag
                        set by the `image` field.
    -v, --volumes       Remove named volumes declared in the `volumes` section
                        of the Compose file and anonymous volumes
                        attached to containers.
    --remove-orphans    Remove containers for services not defined in the
                        Compose file


$ docker system prune --help

Usage:  docker system prune [OPTIONS]

Remove unused data

  -a, --all             Remove all unused images not just dangling ones
      --filter filter   Provide filter values (e.g. 'label=<key>=<value>')
  -f, --force           Do not prompt for confirmation
      --volumes         Prune volumes
