我需要按字母顺序对$ order_name(更具体地说是$ order_shipping_last_name)进行排序。我已经在很多不同的地方尝试了许多不同的基本php sort()方法,并且无法实现这一点。我假设我错过了一些东西?
在我的代码中,get_all_orders_that_have_a_product_variation( $product_id );
函数来自this answer code,允许从变体ID中获取订单ID 的数组...
add_action( 'fue_before_variable_replacements', 'w_add_stuff', 10, 4);
function w_add_stuff( $var, $email_data, $fue_email, $queue_item ) {
$product_id = 2339;
$orders_ids = get_all_orders_that_have_a_product_variation( $product_id );
// Iterating through each order
foreach( $orders_ids as $order_id ){
// Name Data
$order = wc_get_order($order_id);
$order_data = $order->get_data();
$order_shipping_first_name = $order_data['shipping']['first_name'];
$order_shipping_last_name = $order_data['shipping']['last_name'];
$order_name = $order_shipping_last_name . ',' . ' ' . $order_shipping_first_name . ' ';
// Iterating through each order item
foreach ($order->get_items() as $item_key => $item_values){
//Quantity Data
$item_data = $item_values->get_data();
$variation_id = $item_data['variation_id'];
$item_quantity = $item_data['quantity'];
// Display name and quantity of specific variation only
if ( $variation_id == $product_id ) {
$variables['order_list'] .= $order_name . ' ' . '...' . ' ' . $item_quantity . '<br>';
答案 0 :(得分:1)
这需要先在函数中获取订单ID ,然后以这种方式更改包含的SQL查询:
function get_all_orders_that_have_a_product_variation( $variation_id ){
global $wpdb;
// Getting all Order IDs with that variation ID
$order_ids = $wpdb->get_col( "
SELECT DISTINCT woi.order_id
FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_order_items AS woi
LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_order_itemmeta AS woim ON woi.order_item_id = woim.order_item_id
LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta AS pm ON woi.order_id = pm.post_id
WHERE woim.meta_key LIKE '_variation_id'
AND woim.meta_value = '$variation_id'
AND pm.meta_key LIKE '_shipping_last_name'
ORDER BY pm.meta_value ASC
" );
return $order_ids; // return the array of orders ids
使用发货的姓氏对订单ID 排序进行更改。