
时间:2018-03-09 00:18:19

标签: batch-file



我已经尝试过/ r命令来搜索子文件夹,但似乎无法正常工作



image1*.png     1 
image2*.png     4 
Image 6*.png    2


    @echo off 
    set Source=C:\Users\Desktop\Folder1\IMAGES
    set Target=C:\Users\Desktop\IMAGES MOVED
    set FileList=C:\Users\Desktop\imageslist.txt
    if not exist "%Source%" echo Source folder "%Source%" not found & goto Exit 
    if not exist "%FileList%" echo File list "%FileList%" not found & goto Exit
    if not exist "%Target%" md "%Target%" 

    for /F "usebackq tokens=1-2" %%a in ("%FileList%") do call :CopyFile "%%a" %%b
    for /R %%f in ("%FileList%") do call :CopyFile "%%a" %%b

    echo press the Space Bar to close this window.
    pause > nul
    exit /b 0
:: first argument  = filename
:: second argument = number of copies

REM A little trick that will put limit on 0 if second argument is empty or not a number
set secondarg=%~2
set /a limit=secondarg

REM if limit is invalid (not strict positive), exit the function
IF %limit% LEQ 0 (
    echo Invalid number of copies
    exit /b 1
IF NOT EXIST "%Target%\%~1" (
    copy "%Source%\%~1" "%Target%"
    IF %limit% LEQ 1 exit /b 0
    set /a limit-=1

REM File already exists: search correct index for filename
set index=0
set "targetfile=%target%\%~n1"
set file_ext=%~x1

set /a index+=1
Rem if file with index %index% already exists, go back to get following index
IF exist "%targetfile%(%index%).%file_ext%" goto :following

Rem we have the correct index, now we can copy
set /a limit=index+limit-1
FOR /L %%g IN (%index%,1,%limit%) DO copy "%Source%\%~1" "%targetfile%(%%g).%file_ext%"
exit /b 0

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