from __future__ import with_statement
from jira import JIRA, JIRAError
from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError
import cProfile
import logging
import sys
import os
import shutil
import logging.handlers
jiraEnabled = True
dashes = "---------------------------------------------------------------------"
import contextlib
import subprocess
import re
import collections
import getpass
import traceback
import pprint
import pdb
import stat
import cookielib
import subprocess
import urllib2
import ConfigParser
import string
def main():
global username, password, loglevel, jiraCheckEnabled, url, allowed_states, check_assignee, check_state, disabled_on_branches
config_file = get_config_file("config.ini")
error_code = handle_pre_receive()
if error_code != 0:
logging.error(“Hook failed please try later\n”)
return error_code
# Performs the git "pre-receive" hook
def handle_pre_receive():
line = sys.stdin.read()
(old_commit_id, new_commit_id, ref) = line.strip().split()
except ValueError:
logging.error("\n%s", dashes)
return -1
if new_commit_id == "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000":
logging.debug("Branch was deleted, going to skip commit")
return 0
if disabled_on_branch(git_get_branchname_from_ref(ref)):
return 0
commit_id_array = git_get_array_of_commit_ids(old_commit_id, new_commit_id)
if commit_id_array == None or len(commit_id_array)==0:
if old_commit_id == "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000":
logging.debug("Branch was created, going to skip commit processing")
return 0
logging.error("No new commits found!")
return -1
if jiraEnabled:
jira = JIRA(url,basic_auth=(username,password))
except ConnectionError, e:
logging.error("Failed to connect to JIRA")
return 0
except JIRAError, e:
logging.error("JIRA has rejected connection” )
return 0;
jira = None
def get_shell_cmd_output(cmd):
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
return proc.stdout.read().rstrip('\n')
except KeyboardInterrupt:
logging.info("... interrupted")
except Exception, e:
logging.error("Failed trying to execute '%s'", cmd)
def disabled_on_branch(current_branchname):
logging.debug("Test if '%s' is disabled...", current_branchname)
if disabled_on_branches == None or string.strip(disabled_on_branches) == "":
logging.debug("All branches enabled")
return False
branchlist = string.split(disabled_on_branches, ',')
for branch in branchlist:
branch = string.strip(branch)
if current_branchname == branch:
logging.debug("Current branch '%s' is disabled", current_branchname)
return True
logging.debug("Current branch '%s' is enabled", current_branchname)
return False
def git_get_curr_branchname():
buf = get_shell_cmd_output("git branch --no-color")
# buf is a multiline output, each line containing a branch name
# the line that starts with a "*" contains the current branch name
m = re.search("^\* .*$", buf, re.MULTILINE)
if m == None:
return None
return buf[m.start()+2 : m.end()]
def git_get_branchname_from_ref(ref):
# "refs/heads/<branchname>"
if string.find(ref, "refs/heads") != 0:
logging.error("Invalid ref '%s'", ref)
exit -1
return string.strip(ref[len("refs/heads/"):])
def git_get_commit_msg(commit_id):
return get_shell_cmd_output("git rev-list --pretty --max-count=1 " + commit_id)
# python script entry point. Dispatches main()
if __name__ == "__main__":