
时间:2018-03-08 16:41:41

标签: arrays excel-vba checkbox userform vba


With XrayFile

'populates array with values in variable worksheet range

    Dim Xrayrange As Integer

    lastpos = Sheets(Ship).Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row - 1

    Xrayrange = lastpos - 6

    'create array with variable dimensions based on worksheet range

    ReDim X_ray_pos(Xrayrange) As String

    Dim j As Integer

    'iterate through worksheet range and set array index to cell value

    For j = LBound(X_ray_pos) To UBound(X_ray_pos)

        X_ray_pos(j) = Sheets(Ship).Range("A7").Offset(j).Value2

    Next j

    'userform1 is where the checkboxes are located.  I chose to initialize the userform here thinking that it would matter for the iteration and change of the default state of the checkboxes



    Dim num As Variant

    Dim i As Long

    'iterates through checkboxes (named "CB1", "CB2" etc) and compares checkbox caption to array index value

    For i = 0 To 55

        Set c = Reject_list.Controls("CB" & i)

            For Each num In X_ray_pos

                If c.Caption Like num Then

                    c.Visible = True

                    Exit For


                    c.Visible = False

                End If
            Next num
    Next i

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


For Each num In X_ray_pos  

    For i = 0 To 55

        Set c = Reject_list.Controls("CB" & i)

                If c.Caption Like num Then

                    c.Visible = True


                    c.Visible = False

                End If
            Next i
    Next num


For i = 0 To 55

        Set c = Reject_list.Controls("CB" & i)

            For Each num In X_ray_pos

                If c.Caption Like num Then

                    c.Visible = True

                    Exit For


                    c.Visible = False

                End If
            Next num
    Next i