Xamarin Android Qr问题(继续扫描)

时间:2018-03-08 13:43:10

标签: android xamarin.forms zxing.net


private async Task Scanner_OnScanResultAsync(ZXing.Result result)

        Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async () =>
        string password = App.LoggedInUser.Password;

        scanner.IsScanning = false;

            App.ScannedResult = result.Text;
            //  await DisplayAlert("Scanned Qrcode", result.Text, "OK");
            if (!(App.ScannedResult.StartsWith("MSS") && App.ScannedResult.Length == 10))
                await DisplayAlert("", "It's a Invalid QRCode", "Okay");
                await Navigation.PushAsync(new DashboadPages.DashboardPage());
                    details = await hs.GetDeviceByQRCode(App.LoggedInUser.LoginId, password, result.Text);
                    if (details.Details == null && details.Created == null && details.History == null)
                        await Navigation.PushPopupAsync(new MacIdPopUpPage(DeviceMacIDChange, DeviceIdentifier)); // popUp    
                        await DisplayAlert("Error", "This QR Code is associated with an existing item in MINT", "Okay");
                        await Navigation.PopToRootAsync();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    await DisplayAlert("", ex.Message, "");

    public async void DeviceMacIDChange(object sender, string deviceIdentifier)
        ItemDetail.DeviceIdentifier = deviceIdentifier; // updating macId

        var item = new GenericInputModel
            HubbleId = App.LoggedInUser.LoginId,
            DisplayName = App.LoggedInUser.FName,
            Password = App.LoggedInUser.Password,
            UpdationInfo = new UpdationInfoModel
                ItemDetail = ItemDetail
        var response = await hs.UpdateDeviceDetails(item, details.Id);
        if (response.Message == "Document has been updated successfully")

            await DisplayAlert("Success", $"Your Item {item.UpdationInfo.ItemDetail.ItemName} has been saved to inventory", "Okay");
            await DisplayAlert("Failed", response.Message, "Okay");
        bool yes = await DisplayAlert("Do you want to continue scanning?", "", "Continue", "Exit");
        if (yes)
            scanner.IsScanning = true;
            await App.RefreshDataAsync();
            await Navigation.PopToRootAsync(); // Exit


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