我一直在和Scalaz一起玩,以获得scala的一点点haskell感觉。至 了解scala中的工作原理我自己开始实现各种代数结构,并且遇到了Scalaz人员提到过的行为。
trait Functor[M[_]] {
def fmap[A, B](a: M[A], b: A => B): M[B]
sealed abstract class Foo[+A]
case class Bar[A]() extends Foo[A]
case class Baz[A]() extends Foo[A]
object Functor {
implicit val optionFunctor: Functor[Option] = new Functor[Option]{
def fmap[A, B](a: Option[A], b: A => B): Option[B] = a match {
case Some(x) => Some(b(x))
case None => None
implicit val fooFunctor: Functor[Foo] = new Functor[Foo] {
def fmap[A, B](a: Foo[A], b: A => B): Foo[B] = a match {
case Bar() => Bar()
case Baz() => Baz()
object Main {
import Functor._
def some[A](a: A): Option[A] = Some(a)
def none[A]: Option[A] = None
def fmap[M[_], A, B](a: M[A])(b: A => B)(implicit f: Functor[M]): M[B] =
f.fmap(a, b)
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
println(fmap (some(1))(_ + 1))
println(fmap (none)((_: Int) + 1))
println(fmap (Bar(): Foo[Int])((_: Int) + 1))
def some[A](a: A): Option[A] = Some(a)
println(fmap (Bar(): Foo[Int])((_: Int) + 1))
Scala推断类型如Functor [Bar]和Functor [Some]没有这些解决方法。
此致 raichoo
答案 0 :(得分:6)
的隐式搜索。引用的是Scala Reference。
fmap[M = ?, A = ?, B = ?](Some(1))(x => x)
// type the arguments of the first parameter section. This is done
// without an expected type, as `M` and `A` are undetermined.
fmap[M = ?, A = ?, B = ?](Some(1): Some[Int])(x => x)(?)
// local type inference determines `M` and `A`
fmap[Some, Int, B = ?](Some(1): Some[Int])(x => x)(?)
// move to the second parameter section, type the argument with the expected type
// `Function1[Int, ?]`. The argument has the type `Function1[Int, Int]`
fmap[Some, Int, ?](Some(1): Some[Int])((x: Int) => x)
// local type inference determines that B = Int
fmap[Some, Int, Int](Some(1): Some[Int])((x: Int) => x)
// search local identifiers, and failing that the implicit scope of type `Functor[Some]]`, for an implicit
// value that conforms to `Functor[Some]`
fmap[Some, Int, Int](Some(1): Some[Int])((x: Int) => x)(implicitly[Functor[Some]])
的隐式搜索失败; Functor[Option]