我的目标是绘制闪亮的3个图表。我有一个函数,可以通过指定的参数修改其中一个图形的路径。我有兴趣将该函数映射到r-shiny滑块,但无法实现此功能。每当我调整滑块时 - 功能都不会改变。如何将提交按钮映射到功能?
Stress_Path <- function(delta, term) { # Stress Path function will modify the cumulative base vector by 'delta' for 'term' quarters
stress_index <- c() # Initialize a stress_index vector that will be populated within the Stress_Path function.
stress_index <- HPF$index_value + delta*(HPF$counter <= term) # Use boolean algebra to simplify the code and avoid if else statements.
HPF$StressC <<- stress_index # Global scoping so that HPF data.frame is updated outside of function.
stress_indexplus <- c(stress_index[2:18370], NA)
StressQoQ <- (stress_indexplus / stress_index) - 1
StressQoQ <- c(NA, StressQoQ[1:18369])
StressQoQ <- ifelse(HPF$index ==0, 0, StressQoQ) # Global scoping so that StressQoQ is updated outside of function.
HPF$StressQoQ <<- StressQoQ # Global scoping so that HPF data.frame is updated outside of function.
#Define UI for dataset
ui <- fluidPage(
#App title ----
titlePanel("Home Price Forecasting under Stress Scenarios"),
#Input: Stress Path Function Parameters ----
#Input: Numeric entry for region to plot ----
numericInput(inputId = "region",
label = "Enter Region Number:",
value = "1",
min = 1,
max = 110),
sliderInput(inputId = "delta",
label = "Adjust Stress Path",
min = -75,
max = 75,
step = 0.5),
sliderInput(inputId = "terms",
label = "Number of Quarters to Adjust",
min = 0,
max = 166,
step = 1),
submitButton(text = "Apply Changes")
# Main panel for displaying outputs ----
mainPanel(plotOutput(outputId = "ThYrC"),
plotOutput(outputId = "FiYrC"),
plotOutput(outputId = "FoYrQtr")
#Define server logic to summarize and view selected dataset ----
server <- function(input, output){
reactive({Stress_Path(input$delta/100, input$terms)})
output$ThYrC <- renderPlot(plot_30cumulative(input$region))
output$FiYrC <- renderPlot(plot_5cumulative(input$region))
output$FoYrQtr<- renderPlot(plot_4quarterly(input$region))
# Run the application ----
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
答案 0 :(得分:0)
observeEvent(list(input$region, input$delta, input$terms), {
Stress_Path(input$delta/100, input$terms)
output$ThYrC <- renderPlot(plot_30cumulative(input$region))
output$FiYrC <- renderPlot(plot_5cumulative(input$region))
output$FoYrQtr<- renderPlot(plot_4quarterly(input$region))
#Do any other stuff that you need after pressing submit button