我正在创造一个"猜这个词" python中的游戏,用于编程类的介绍。单词用短划线( - )代替元音。用户应该根据提供的提示猜测单词(单词/提示一起作为并行元组)。用户得到5个猜测,如果正确猜到了这个词,则会获得一定数量的积分。然后用户可以选择继续播放和播放。累积积分,或退出。代码一直在工作,直到我添加编码来询问用户他/她是否愿意继续玩。为了让它起作用,我需要修复什么?
#Clear Screen
import random
keep_playing = "y"
round_score = 0
overall_score = 0
new_words = ""
vowels = "AaEeIiOoUuYy"
#Parallel tuples
while keep_playing.lower() == "y":
guesswords = ("Japan","France","Mexico","Italy","Australia")
guesshints = ("Sushi comes from here","Croissants come from here","Tacos come from here","Pizza comes from here","Vegemite comes from here")
index = random.randrange(len(guesswords))
guesses = 5
#Replacing vowels
for letter in guesswords[index]:
if letter not in vowels:
new_words += letter
new_words += "-"
print(new_words.center(80, " "))
while guesses > 0:
input_string = "\nGuess the word! You have " + str(guesses) + " guesses remaining: "
user_guess = input(input_string)
if user_guess.upper() == guesswords[index].upper():
print("YOU WIN")
round_score = (guesses * 2)
overall_score += round_score
print("Your score for this round is ",round_score)
guesses -= 1
print("Your overall score is ",overall_score)
keep_playing = input("Would you like to keep playing? (y/n)")
print("GAME OVER")