,其中cpu / gpu在大型世界中渲染对象时遇到问题。正如现在的数学一样,整个世界都在MKMapPoints
中表示......然后应用2.12732213757614 meters/unit
scale = Float(coordinateConverter.unitSizeInMeters) * 1000.0
myPosition.x = (xValue / Double(topFivePoints.count)) / Double(scale)
myPosition.y = (yValue / Double(topFivePoints.count)) / Double(scale)
-0.00041963615298460055 //myPosition.x
-0.00051179784578082345 //myPosition.y
问题是,这些数字太小而无法被游戏网格检测为变化。我已经调查了它,它不仅仅是我的数字的格式 - 我在缩放过程中以某种方式失去了一些精度...所以对于被渲染对象的位置 - 它们由这样的数字表示:
-38144.5 //x
-46725.4 //y
for node in scene.rootNode.childNodes {
node.simdPosition = simd_float3(-Float(myPosition.x! - lastPosition.x!) + node.position.x, node.position.y, -Float(myPosition.y! - lastPosition.y!) + node.position.z)
node.position = SCNVector3Make(-Float(transformerFromPDFToMk.tx) / scale + node.position.x, node.position.y, -Float(transformerFromPDFToMk.ty) / scale + node.position.z)
...也许我应该......但它似乎按照原始比例填充对象,因为对象间距正确。 transformerFromPDFToMk.tx
/ transformerFromPDFToMk.ty
)?或者我怎样才能占据我所处的世界(而不是整个世界)的一大块......并保持精确度?我将发布的最后一个代码是我从这个cool open source project修改的关于室内定位的代码。我使用它coordinateConverter
init(anchors: GeoAnchorPair) {
self.anchors = anchors
Next, to compute the direction between two geographical coordinates,
we first need to convert to MapKit coordinates...
let fromAnchorMercatorCoordinate = MKMapPointForCoordinate(anchors.fromAnchor.latitudeLongitudeCoordinate)
let toAnchorMercatorCoordinate = MKMapPointForCoordinate(anchors.toAnchor.latitudeLongitudeCoordinate)
let pdfDisplacement = CGPoint(x: anchors.toAnchor.pdfPoint.x - anchors.fromAnchor.pdfPoint.x, y: anchors.toAnchor.pdfPoint.y - anchors.fromAnchor.pdfPoint.y)
...so that we can use MapKit's Mercator coordinate system where +x
is always eastward and +y is always southward. Imagine an arrow
connecting fromAnchor to toAnchor...
let anchorDisplacementMapKitX = (toAnchorMercatorCoordinate.x - fromAnchorMercatorCoordinate.x)
let anchorDisplacementMapKitY = (toAnchorMercatorCoordinate.y - fromAnchorMercatorCoordinate.y)
What is the angle of this arrow (geographically)?
atan2 always returns:
exactly 0.0 radians if the arrow is exactly in the +x direction
("MapKit's +x" is due East).
positive radians as the arrow is rotated toward and through the +y
direction ("MapKit's +y" is due South).
In the case of MapKit, this is radians clockwise from due East.
let radiansClockwiseOfDueEast = atan2(anchorDisplacementMapKitY, anchorDisplacementMapKitX)
That means if we rotate pdfDisplacement COUNTER-clockwise by this
value, it will be facing due east. In the CG coordinate frame,
positive radians is counter-clockwise because in a PDF +x is
rightward and +y is upward.
let cgDueEast = CGVector(dx: pdfDisplacement.x, dy: pdfDisplacement.y).rotatedByRadians(CGFloat(radiansClockwiseOfDueEast))
// Now, get the distance (in meters) between the two anchors...
let distanceBetweenAnchorsMeters = CLLocationDistance.distanceBetweenLocationCoordinates2D(anchors.fromAnchor.latitudeLongitudeCoordinate, b: anchors.toAnchor.latitudeLongitudeCoordinate)
// ...and rescale so that it's exactly one meter in length.
oneMeterEastwardVector = cgDueEast.scaledByFloat(CGFloat(1.0 / distanceBetweenAnchorsMeters))
Lastly, due south is PI/2 clockwise of due east.
In the CG coordinate frame, clockwise rotation is NEGATIVE radians
because in a PDF +x is rightward and +y is upward.
oneMeterSouthwardVector = oneMeterEastwardVector.rotatedByRadians(-.pi / 2)
We'll choose the midpoint between the two anchors to be our "tangent
point". This is the MKMapPoint that will correspond to both
tangentLatitudeLongitudeCoordinate on Earth and _tangentPDFPoint
in the PDF.
let tangentMercatorCoordinate = MKMapPoint.midpoint(fromAnchorMercatorCoordinate, b: toAnchorMercatorCoordinate)
tangentLatitudeLongitudeCoordinate = MKCoordinateForMapPoint(tangentMercatorCoordinate)
tangentPDFPoint = CGPoint.pointAverage(anchors.fromAnchor.pdfPoint, b: anchors.toAnchor.pdfPoint)
func transformerFromPDFToMk() -> CGAffineTransform {
let metersPerMapPoint = MKMetersPerMapPointAtLatitude(tangentLatitudeLongitudeCoordinate.latitude)
let tangentMercatorCoordinate = MKMapPointForCoordinate(tangentLatitudeLongitudeCoordinate)
CGAffineTransform operations are easier to construct in reverse-order.
Start with the last operation:
let resultOfTangentMercatorCoordinate = CGAffineTransform(translationX: CGFloat(tangentMercatorCoordinate.x), y: CGFloat(tangentMercatorCoordinate.y))
Revise the AffineTransform to first scale by
(1.0 / metersPerMapPoint), and then perform the above translation.
let resultOfEastSouthDistanceMeters = resultOfTangentMercatorCoordinate.scaledBy(x: CGFloat(1.0 / metersPerMapPoint), y: CGFloat(1.0 / metersPerMapPoint))
Revise the AffineTransform to first scale by
(1.0 / dotProduct(...)) before performing the transform so far.
let resultOfDotProduct = resultOfEastSouthDistanceMeters.scaledBy(x: 1.0 / oneMeterEastwardVector.dotProductWithVector(oneMeterEastwardVector),
y: 1.0 / oneMeterSouthwardVector.dotProductWithVector(oneMeterSouthwardVector))
Revise the AffineTransform to first perform dot products aginst our
reference vectors before performing the transform so far.
let resultOfDisplacementFromTangentPoint = CGAffineTransform(
a: oneMeterEastwardVector.dx, b: oneMeterEastwardVector.dy,
c: oneMeterSouthwardVector.dx, d: oneMeterSouthwardVector.dy,
tx: 0.0, ty: 0.0
Lastly, revise the AffineTransform to first perform the initial
subtraction before performing the remaining operations.
Each meter is about (1.0 / metersPerMapPoint) 'MKMapPoint's, as long
as we are nearby tangentLatitudeLongitudeCoordinate.
return resultOfDisplacementFromTangentPoint.translatedBy(x: -tangentPDFPoint.x, y: -tangentPDFPoint.y)
/ transformerFromPDFToMk.ty
node.simdPosition = simd_float3((-Float(myPosition.x!) + node.simdPosition.x * Float(coordinateConverter.unitSizeInMeters * 1000)) / scale, node.simdPosition.y, (-Float(myPosition.y!) + node.simdPosition.z * Float(coordinateConverter.unitSizeInMeters * 1000)) / scale)
print("\(String(describing: Double(node.position.x))) --- node postion before didRenderScene: x")
print("\(String(describing: Double(node.position.z))) --- node postion before didRenderScene: z")
print("\(myPosition.x) --- my position before in didRenderScene: x")
print("\(myPosition.y) --- my position before didRenderScene: y")
print("\(String(describing: Double(node.simdPosition.x))) --- node postion after didRenderScene: x")
print("\(String(describing: Double(node.simdPosition.z))) --- node postion after didRenderScene: z")
Optional(0.0011671428003945904) --- my position before in didRenderScene: x
Optional(0.0011160162812675013) --- my position before didRenderScene: y
-38144.5859375 --- node postion before didRenderScene: x
-46725.2734375 --- node postion before didRenderScene: z
-38144.58203125 --- node postion after didRenderScene: x
-46725.26953125 --- node postion after didRenderScene: z
所以你可以看到差异,当我的位置被考虑在内时,被识别在-38144.5859375和-38144.58203125,以及-46725.2734375和-46725.26953125之间 - 你可以看到数字有点变化。我只是没有看到我的AR世界的变化,节点保持在他们开始的确切位置。这可能是因为我将simdPosition