本周我们一直在学习C中的递归与迭代,我们需要制作一个程序,递归地确定由a,ar,ar ^ 2,...定义的几何序列的第n项的值。 .ar ^(nq)。 在大多数情况下,我认为我已经弄明白了,因为它似乎显示每次运行的正确值,但是当测试值达到零时它无法破坏递归。此外,如果可能的话,可以更好地解释递归,并且在迭代时优先考虑递归的一些例子,因为我仍在努力解决这个问题。 // 2/20/2018 //实验6解决方案Page 369 PE 4 B
//including libraries to be used
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main() {
//Function prototype
double goAnswer(int *, double, double, double, double *, int);
//Declaring variables
int nValue = 0;
double ratio = 0;
double firstTerm = 0;
double answer = 0;
double addedAnswer = 0;
int count = 1;
//Setting up to ask for each value
printf("Please enter in the value of n: ");
scanf("%d", &nValue);
printf("Please enter in the ratio you'd like to use: ");
scanf("%lf", &ratio);
printf("Please enter in the first term to use: ");
scanf("%lf", &firstTerm);
addedAnswer = goAnswer(&nValue, ratio, firstTerm, answer, &addedAnswer,
//Printing out the value of the first nth terms
printf("The value of all terms added together is: %lf\n", addedAnswer);
return 0;
//function header
double goAnswer(int *nValue, double ratio, double firstTerm, double answer,
double *addedAnswer, int count) {
if (nValue == 0){
return 0;
else{ //This part calculates the answer, prints the value to the screen,
adds the answer to a running sum, decreases the nValue by one and calls the
function again with the lower nValue
answer = firstTerm * pow(ratio, count);
printf("The value of term %d is: %lf\n", count, answer);
printf("This is the nValue: %d \n", *nValue);
*addedAnswer += answer;
nValue -= 1;
return (goAnswer(nValue, ratio, firstTerm, answer, addedAnswer,
(count + 1)));