这个问题:How to de-interleave bits (UnMortonizing?)有一个很好的答案,可以提取莫顿数的两半中的一半(只是奇数位),但我需要一个解决方案来提取两个部分(奇数位和偶数位) )尽可能少的操作。
input, z: 11101101 01010111 11011011 01101110
output, x: 11100001 10110111 // odd bits shifted right by 1
y: 10111111 11011010 // even bits
似乎有很多解决方案使用带有幻数的移位和掩码来生成莫顿数(即交错比特),例如: Interleave bits by Binary Magic Numbers,但我还没有找到任何反向做法(即去交错)。
在重新阅读Hacker's Delight中关于完美洗牌/洗牌的部分后,我找到了一些有用的例子,我改编如下:
// morton1 - extract even bits
uint32_t morton1(uint32_t x)
x = x & 0x55555555;
x = (x | (x >> 1)) & 0x33333333;
x = (x | (x >> 2)) & 0x0F0F0F0F;
x = (x | (x >> 4)) & 0x00FF00FF;
x = (x | (x >> 8)) & 0x0000FFFF;
return x;
// morton2 - extract odd and even bits
void morton2(uint32_t *x, uint32_t *y, uint32_t z)
*x = morton1(z);
*y = morton1(z >> 1);
答案 0 :(得分:11)
int64 w = (z &0xAAAAAAAA)<<31 | (z &0x55555555 )
w = (w | (w >> 1)) & 0x3333333333333333;
w = (w | (w >> 2)) & 0x0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F;
答案 1 :(得分:5)
Intel Haswell及更高版本CPU的代码。您可以使用包含pext和pdep指令的BMI2指令集。这些可以(以及其他伟大的事情)用于建立你的功能。
#include <immintrin.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// on GCC, compile with option -mbmi2, requires Haswell or better.
uint64_t xy_to_morton (uint32_t x, uint32_t y)
return _pdep_u32(x, 0x55555555) | _pdep_u32(y,0xaaaaaaaa);
uint64_t morton_to_xy (uint64_t m, uint32_t *x, uint32_t *y)
*x = _pext_u64(m, 0x5555555555555555);
*y = _pext_u64(m, 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);
答案 2 :(得分:4)
uint64_t morton3(uint64_t x) {
x = x & 0x9249249249249249;
x = (x | (x >> 2)) & 0x30c30c30c30c30c3;
x = (x | (x >> 4)) & 0xf00f00f00f00f00f;
x = (x | (x >> 8)) & 0x00ff0000ff0000ff;
x = (x | (x >> 16)) & 0xffff00000000ffff;
x = (x | (x >> 32)) & 0x00000000ffffffff;
return x;
uint64_t bits;
uint64_t x = morton3(bits)
uint64_t y = morton3(bits>>1)
uint64_t z = morton3(bits>>2)
答案 3 :(得分:1)
如果你需要速度,你可以一次使用表查找进行一个字节转换(两个字节表更快但是更大)。程序在Delphi IDE下完成,但汇编程序/ algorithem是相同的。
MortonTableLookup : array[byte] of byte = ($00, $01, $10, $11, $12, ... ;
procedure DeinterleaveBits(Input: cardinal);
//In: eax
//Out: dx = EvenBits; ax = OddBits;
movzx ecx, al //Use 0th byte
mov dl, byte ptr[MortonTableLookup + ecx]
shr eax, 8
movzx ecx, ah //Use 2th byte
mov dh, byte ptr[MortonTableLookup + ecx]
shl edx, 16
movzx ecx, al //Use 1th byte
mov dl, byte ptr[MortonTableLookup + ecx]
shr eax, 8
movzx ecx, ah //Use 3th byte
mov dh, byte ptr[MortonTableLookup + ecx]
mov ecx, edx
and ecx, $F0F0F0F0
mov eax, ecx
rol eax, 12
or eax, ecx
rol edx, 4
and edx, $F0F0F0F0
mov ecx, edx
rol ecx, 12
or edx, ecx
答案 4 :(得分:1)
我不想限制为固定大小的整数并使用硬编码常量制作类似命令的列表,因此我开发了一个C ++ 11解决方案,该解决方案利用模板元编程生成函数和常量。使用-O3
andl $0x55555555, %eax
movl %eax, %ecx
shrl %ecx
orl %eax, %ecx
andl $0x33333333, %ecx
movl %ecx, %eax
shrl $2, %eax
orl %ecx, %eax
andl $0xF0F0F0F, %eax
movl %eax, %ecx
shrl $4, %ecx
orl %eax, %ecx
movzbl %cl, %esi
shrl $8, %ecx
andl $0xFF00, %ecx
orl %ecx, %esi
TL; DR source repo和live demo。
(替代2x 1和0)0b0000111100001111
(替代4x 1和0)0b0000000011111111
(替代8x 1和0)如果我们使用D
/// @brief Generates 0b1...1 with @tparam n ones
template <class T, unsigned n>
using n_ones = std::integral_constant<T, (~static_cast<T>(0) >> (sizeof(T) * 8 - n))>;
/// @brief Performs `@tparam input | (@tparam input << @tparam width` @tparam repeat times.
template <class T, T input, unsigned width, unsigned repeat>
struct lshift_add :
public lshift_add<T, lshift_add<T, input, width, 1>::value, width, repeat - 1> {
/// @brief Specialization for 1 repetition, just does the shift-and-add operation.
template <class T, T input, unsigned width>
struct lshift_add<T, input, width, 1> : public std::integral_constant<T,
(input & n_ones<T, width>::value) | (input << (width < sizeof(T) * 8 ? width : 0))> {
template <class T, unsigned step, unsigned dimensions = 2u>
using mask = lshift_add<T, n_ones<T, 1 << step>::value, dimensions * (1 << step), sizeof(T) * 8 / (2 << step)>;
使用相同类型的递归,我们可以为算法x = (x | (x >> K)) & M
template <class T, unsigned step, unsigned dimensions>
struct deinterleave {
static T work(T input) {
input = deinterleave<T, step - 1, dimensions>::work(input);
return (input | (input >> ((dimensions - 1) * (1 << (step - 1))))) & mask<T, step, dimensions>::value;
// Omitted specialization for step 0, where there is just a bitwise and
步骤计算2^k - 1
输出位;每个维度的最大有意义位数由z = sizeof(T) * 8 / dimensions
给出,因此只需执行1 + log_2 z
template <unsigned arg>
struct log2 : public std::integral_constant<unsigned, log2<(arg >> 1)>::value + 1> {};
template <>
struct log2<1u> : public std::integral_constant<unsigned, 0u> {};
/// @brief Helper constexpr which returns the number of steps needed to fully interleave a type @tparam T.
template <class T, unsigned dimensions>
using num_steps = std::integral_constant<unsigned, log2<sizeof(T) * 8 / dimensions>::value + 1>;
/// @brief Helper function which combines @see deinterleave and @see num_steps into a single call.
template <class T, unsigned dimensions>
T deinterleave_first(T n) {
return deinterleave<T, num_steps<T, dimensions>::value - 1, dimensions>::work(n);