
时间:2018-03-04 04:49:51

标签: c++


unique = count_distinct(data, size); // get result
cout << "There are " << unique << " unique values" << endl;
count = count_duplicates(data, size); // get result 
cout << "There are " << count << " duplicate values" << endl;

我浏览了调试器,它说我的值i等于我输入的任何大小,即使我在我的函数中设置了i=0。如果i = size,则整个函数终止,这导致我的唯一值等于0

short count_distinct(short num[], short size)   //Function to return the count of the number of unique/distinct values in the array
short i, j, unique=0;
    for(i=0;i<size;i++) //start 1 high to compare to previous numbers
        for(j=0;j<size;j++) //nested for statement which goes through the array to compare with previous numbers
            if (num[i]==num[j]) //compares the numbers to eachother, if they are equal then stop 
                break; // if they are equal then dont count it
    return unique;

问题在于:当我输出我的独特&amp;重复变量,它们只等于0。 可能是我的唯一和重复功能设置不正确。 我一直试图解决这个问题几个小时尝试了几个不同的事情,但我不知道代码有什么问题


"count & unique = Not found in current context"


    using namespace std;

void input_data(short data[], short size);
void display_data (short data[], short size);
short count_distinct(short num[], short size);  // value returning function
short count_duplicates(short num[], short size);  // value returning function

int main()
{   // declare local variables      - do I need to declare more variables??
short size, data[1000], unique, count;  
    unique = count_distinct(data,size);     
    count = count_duplicates(data,size);

cout<<"Enter a size of numbers to process\n";   // display a message to the user about the number of values to store in the array


    cout<<"Enter the numbers that need to be processed"<<endl;

    input_data(data, size);                     // Call input_data function         - Lets user input elements into array   
    cout<<"There are "<<size<<" values stored in the array."<<endl;

    display_data(data,size);                    // Call display_data function   

    count_distinct(data,size);                  // Call count_distinct function     - Shows unique values       
    cout<<"There are "<<unique<<" unique values"<<endl;

    count_duplicates(data,size);                // Call count_duplicates function   - Shows duplicate values
    cout<<"There are "<<count<<" duplicate values"<<endl;

    cout<<"To run the program again, enter the number of values to\n";
    cout<<"store in the array or 0 to terminate the program";


    return 0;

    // Function to input(store) data into the array
    void input_data(short data[], short size){
    short i;    
        for(i=0; i<size;i++)

    // Function to display the data in the array 
    // print all values on the same line with one space between each number
    void display_data (short data[], short size){
    short i;
    cout<<"Values are : "<<endl;
            cout<<data[i]<<" ";


    short count_distinct(short num[], short size)   //Function to return the count of the number of unique/distinct values in the array
    short i, j, unique=0;
        for(i=0;i<size;i++) //start 1 high to compare to previous numbers
            for(j=0;j<size;j++) //nested for statement which goes through the array to compare with previous numbers
                if (num[i]==num[j]) //compares the numbers to eachother, if they are equal then stop 
                    break; // if they are equal then dont count it
        return unique;

    short count_duplicates(short num[], short size) //Function to return the count of the number of duplicate values in the array
    short i, j, count =0;
        for( i=1;i<size;i++) //start 1 high to compare to previous numbers
            for(j=0;j<i;j++) //nested for statement which goes through the array to compare with previous numbers
                if (num[i]==num[j]) //compares the numbers to eachother
                count++;    // if values are equal they are duplicates


        return count;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


int main()
{ // declare local variables      - do I need to declare more variables??
    short size, data[1000], unique, count;
    unique = count_distinct(data, size);
    count = count_duplicates(data, size);




    count_distinct(data, size); // Call count_distinct function     - Shows unique values
    cout << "There are " << unique << " unique values" << endl;

    count_duplicates(data, size); // Call count_duplicates function   - Shows duplicate values
    cout << "There are " << count << " duplicate values" << endl;



int main()
{ // declare local variables      - do I need to declare more variables??
    short size, data[1000], unique, count;
    //unique = count_distinct(data, size); remove this
    //count = count_duplicates(data, size); remove this

    unique = count_distinct(data, size); // get result
    cout << "There are " << unique << " unique values" << endl;
    count = count_duplicates(data, size); // get result 
    cout << "There are " << count << " duplicate values" << endl;

count_distinct无法正常工作,使用调试器逐步执行程序将帮助您查看错误,我还质疑是否需要while (size > 0)循环。