Option Explicit
Sub listContextMenuCommands()
Const wkshtName = "Commands2"
Const startRow = 1
Dim commandbarIndex As Integer
Dim cIndex As Integer, sht As Worksheet, cb As CommandBar
Dim cellCmd As Variant, testVar As Variant
Dim col As Integer, rw As Integer
'list of selected properties to report upon
cellCmd = Array("accChild", "accChildCount", "accDefaultAction", "accDescription", "accDoDefaultAction", _
"accFocus", "accHelp", "accHelpTopic", "accHitTest", "accKeyboardShortcut", "accLocation", "accName", _
"accNavigate", "accParent", "accRole", "accSelect", "accSelection", "accState", "accValue", "AdaptiveMenu", _
"AddRef", "BeginGroup", "BuiltIn", "Caption", "Context", "Controls", "Creator", "DescriptionText", _
"Enabled", "GetIDsOfNames", "GetTypeInfo", "GetTypeInfoCount", "Height", "HelpContextID", "Id", "Index", _
"InstanceId", "InstanceIdPtr)", "Invoke", "IsPriorityDropped", "Left", "Name", "NameLocal", "OLEUsage", _
"OnAction", "Parameter", "Parent", "Position", "Priority", "Protection", "QueryInterface", "Release", _
"RowIndex", "Tag", "TooltipText", "Top", "Type", "Visible", "Width")
'prepare worksheet for output
Set sht = Sheets(wkshtName)
rw = startRow
If MsgBox("Existing data will be cleared from worksheet '" & wkshtName & "'.", vbOKCancel, "Erase data?") <> vbOK Then Exit Sub
sht.Cells.ClearContents 'delete all values
'populate headings
sht.Cells(rw, 1) = "CommandBar"
sht.Range(Cells(rw, 2), Cells(rw, UBound(cellCmd) + 1)) = cellCmd 'dump array of headings into range
On Error Resume Next 'errors will be generated for properties unavailable for certain commands
For commandbarIndex = 1 To Application.CommandBars.Count 'enumerate all command bars
Set cb = Application.CommandBars(commandbarIndex) ' refer to commandbar by name (like "Cell"=context menu) or by Index #
For cIndex = 1 To cb.Controls.Count ' enumerate all controls on commandbar
testVar = CallByName(cb.Controls(cIndex), "Index", VbGet)
If Err Then 'error: control doesn't exist
Debug.Print "No cIndex : Commandbar: #" & cb.Index & " '" & cb.Name & "' Ctl# " & cIndex
Err.Clear 'clear error
GoTo nextCtl 'skip this command
End If
rw = rw + 1 'next row
sht.Cells(rw, 1) = cb.Name 'title of command bar in first column
For col = 1 To UBound(cellCmd) 'populate each [col] for this [rw]
'use "CallByName" so we can specify control name with variables (array)
sht.Cells(rw, col + 1) = CallByName(cb.Controls(cIndex), cellCmd(col - 1), VbGet)
If Err Then 'catch error
sht.Cells(rw, col + 1) = "{N/A}" 'property not available for this control
Err.Clear 'clear error
End If
Next col 'next column
Application.StatusBar = "Listing Commands: " & Format(commandbarIndex / Application.CommandBars.Count, "0.0%")
Next cIndex 'next control
Next commandbarIndex 'next commandbar
Debug.Print "Finished " & Application.CommandBars.Count & " Command Bars, " & rw - startRow & " commands."
End Sub
~/Library/Application Support/MyCompany/Plugins
pkgbuild --root ./sources/ \
--install-location ~/Library/Application\ Support/MyCompany/Plugins \
--version 1.0 \
--identifier com.mycompany.support.Plugins \
/Users/MYUSER/Library/Application Support/MyCompany/Plugins
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