Hello StackOverflow用户:
我正在调整一个使用omdb api搜索电影的网站,我是新手使用json和Ajax。该网站使用淘汰赛js框架。我的问题是:你如何设置一个knockout observable命令行来收集一个看起来像一个信息数组的json设置。我正试图抓住这个json的评级部分(该部分以粗体突出显示)
"Title": "Batman Begins",
"Year": "2005",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "15 Jun 2005",
"Runtime": "140 min",
"Genre": "Action, Adventure, Thriller",
"Director": "Christopher Nolan",
"Writer": "Bob Kane (characters), David S. Goyer (story), Christopher Nolan (screenplay), David S. Goyer (screenplay)",
"Actors": "Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Liam Neeson, Katie Holmes",
"Plot": "After training with his mentor, Batman begins his fight to free crime-ridden Gotham City from the corruption that Scarecrow and the League of Shadows have cast upon it.",
"Language": "English, Urdu, Mandarin",
"Country": "USA, UK",
"Awards": "Nominated for 1 Oscar. Another 14 wins & 71 nominations.",
"Poster": "https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BYzc4ODgyZmYtMGFkZC00NGQyLWJiMDItMmFmNjJiZjcxYzVmXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDYyMDk5MTU@._V1_SX300.jpg",
**"Ratings": [
"Source": "Internet Movie Database",
"Value": "8.3/10"
"Source": "Rotten Tomatoes",
"Value": "84%"
"Source": "Metacritic",
"Value": "70/100"
"Metascore": "70",
"imdbRating": "8.3",
"imdbVotes": "1,099,197",
"imdbID": "tt0372784",
"Type": "movie",
"DVD": "18 Oct 2005",
"BoxOffice": "$204,100,000",
"Production": "Warner Bros. Pictures",
"Website": "http://www.batmanbegins.com/",
"Response": "True"
self.currentMovie = {
Type: ko.observable(),
Year: ko.observable(),
Genre: ko.observable(),
Released: ko.observable(),
Runtime: ko.observable(),
Poster: ko.observable(),
Rated: ko.observable(),
imdbRating: ko.observable(),
imdbVotes: ko.observable(),
Ratings:ko.observable().Source = "Rotten Tomatoes",
Actors: ko.observable(),
Plot: ko.observable(),
Writer: ko.observable(),
Director: ko.observable(),
Country: ko.observable(),
Language: ko.observable(),
Title: ko.observable()
Ratings:ko.observable().Source = "Rotten Tomatoes",
答案 0 :(得分:1)
首先,如果API提供信息作为数组,则应使用Observable Array。接下来,您说要过滤数组以仅获取具有烂番茄分数的对象,并将“值”作为可观察对象访问。正确的吗?
self.currentMovie = {
RatingsArray: ko.observableArray(),
var ratingFilterFunction = function (obArray) {
var trimmedArray = ko.utils.arrayFilter(obArray(), function (item) {
return item["Source"] === 'Rotten Tomatoes';
return ko.observable(trimmedArray[0]["Value"]);
self.CurrentMovie.Ratings = ratingFilterFunction(self.CurrentMovie.RatingsArray);
答案 1 :(得分:0)
//Your input is array of your input.
$yourInput = array(10,20,26);
$query = "INSERT INTO uses (id, uses) VALUES ";
foreach($yourInput as $value ){
$query .= "(10, '$value')".",";
echo $query;
INSERT INTO uses (id, uses) VALUES (10, '10'),(10, '20'),(10, '26')
function vm(){
var self = this;
var allList = {
"Title": "Batman Begins",
"Year": "2005",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "15 Jun 2005",
"Runtime": "140 min",
"Genre": "Action, Adventure, Thriller",
"Director": "Christopher Nolan",
"Writer": "Bob Kane (characters), David S. Goyer (story), Christopher Nolan (screenplay), David S. Goyer (screenplay)",
"Actors": "Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Liam Neeson, Katie Holmes",
"Plot": "After training with his mentor, Batman begins his fight to free crime-ridden Gotham City from the corruption that Scarecrow and the League of Shadows have cast upon it.",
"Language": "English, Urdu, Mandarin",
"Country": "USA, UK",
"Awards": "Nominated for 1 Oscar. Another 14 wins & 71 nominations.",
"Poster": "https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BYzc4ODgyZmYtMGFkZC00NGQyLWJiMDItMmFmNjJiZjcxYzVmXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDYyMDk5MTU@._V1_SX300.jpg",
"Ratings": [
"Source": "Internet Movie Database",
"Value": "8.3/10"
"Source": "Rotten Tomatoes",
"Value": "84%"
"Source": "Metacritic",
"Value": "70/100"
"Metascore": "70",
"imdbRating": "8.3",
"imdbVotes": "1,099,197",
"imdbID": "tt0372784",
"Type": "movie",
"DVD": "18 Oct 2005",
"BoxOffice": "$204,100,000",
"Production": "Warner Bros. Pictures",
"Website": "http://www.batmanbegins.com/",
"Response": "True"
self.Rating = ko.observable(allList.Ratings.find(o => o.Source === 'Rotten Tomatoes'));
// Activates knockout.js
ko.applyBindings(new vm());
假设您通过ajax调用收到了您的JSON到allList对象。您可以通过<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/knockout/3.4.2/knockout-min.js"></script>
<!-- This is a *view* - HTML markup that defines the appearance of your UI -->
<div data-bind="text: Rating().Value">