在用户另有决定之前,如何多次保持进程? Java的

时间:2018-03-03 02:43:41

标签: java


  1. 让程序循环直到用户决定退出程序 输入0或任何负数(即-2)。
  2. 如果用户没有输入足够的付款来支付价格,请继续询问用户“请输入付款金额”,直到用户输入足够大的付款为止。
  3. 打印并显示正确的更改量以及每种货币的数量。最高价格,不含税,为500.00美元。
  4. 完整输出,所有可能的用户选择应如下所示:

    Cost of transaction (enter 0 or negative to exit; max is $500.00): 1000
    Cost of transaction (enter 0 or negative to exit; max is $500.00): 501
    Cost of transaction (enter 0 or negative to exit; max is $500.00): 500
    Amount due (with 5.00% tax): $525.00
    Please enter payment amount: 1000.57
    Change back $475.57
    $100: 4  $50: 1  $20: 1  $10: 0  $5: 1  $1: 0  $0.25: 2  $0.10: 0  $0.05: 1
    $0.01: 2
    Cost of transaction (enter 0 or negative to exit; max is $500.00): 0


    * @author (Zach Daly)
    * <p> (MakeChange.java)
    * <p> (Project2)
    * <p> (Make change)
    import java.util.*;
    public class MakeChange
        public static void main(String[] args)
            Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
            double price;
            double amountPaid;
            int paidInt;
            int priceWithTaxInt;
            double priceWithTaxDbl;
            final double TAX_RATE = .05;
            int change;
            int hundreds, fifties, twenties, tens, fives, ones, quarters, dimes, nickels, pennies;
            System.out.print("Cost of transaction (enter 0 or negative to exit; max is $500.00): ");
            price = in.nextDouble();
            priceWithTaxDbl = price + (price * TAX_RATE);
            System.out.printf("Amount due (with 5.00%% tax): $%3.2f\n", priceWithTaxDbl);
            System.out.println("Please enter payment amount: ");
            amountPaid = in.nextDouble();
            paidInt = (int) (amountPaid * 100);
            priceWithTaxInt = (int) (priceWithTaxDbl * 100);
            if (price <= 0)
            change = paidInt - priceWithTaxInt;
            double changePrint = (double) change / 100;
            if (change == 0)
                System.out.println("Exact change! Amazing!");
            if (paidInt > priceWithTaxInt)
                hundreds = change / 10000;
                if (hundreds > 0)
                    change %= 10000;
                fifties = change / 5000;
                if (fifties > 0)
                    change %= 5000;
                twenties = change / 2000;
                if (twenties > 0)
                    change %= 2000;
                tens = change / 1000;
                if (tens > 0)
                    change %= 1000;
                fives = change / 500;
                if (fives > 0)
                    change %= 500;
                ones = change / 100;
                if (ones > 0)
                    change %= 100;
                quarters = change / 25;
                if (quarters > 0)
                    change %= 25;
                dimes = change / 10;
                if (dimes > 0)
                    change %= 10;
                nickels = change / 5;
                if (nickels > 0)
                    change %= 5;
                pennies = change;
                        "Change back $%.2f\n$100: %d   $50: %d   $20: %d   $10: %d   $5: %d   $1: %d   $0.25: %d   $0.10: %d   $0.05: %d   $0.01: %d\n",
                        changePrint, hundreds, fifties, twenties, tens, fives, ones, quarters, dimes, nickels, pennies);

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


do {
        System.out.print("Cost of transaction (enter 0 or negative to exit; max is $500.00): ");
        price = in.nextDouble();
        //repeating logic

        if (price > 500) {
            price = 0;
            System.out.println("Maximum price was exceeded");
    } while (price >= 0);