Angular Version 5.2.3
it('should sort full name column', async () => { // ignoring for now until figure out a way to wait until table sorts
await listUserPage.navigateTo();
await browser.wait(EC.presenceOf(listUserPage.userTable));
const unsortRows: string[] = [];
const sortRows: string[] = [];
// get all values of full name column
await listUserPage.tableRows.each(async (row) => {
const col = row.all(by.tagName('mat-cell')).get(0);
unsortRows.push(await col.getText());
// sort in order we expect
await listUserPage.clickFullNameSort();
await listUserPage.clickFullNameSort(); // need to click twice, once for asc then again for desc
await browser.driver.sleep(500);
await listUserPage.tableRows.each(async (row) => {
const col = row.all(by.tagName('mat-cell')).get(0);
sortRows.push(await col.getText());