Paypal REST API页面上的多个按钮

时间:2018-03-02 15:31:04

标签: javascript paypal paypal-sandbox payment paypal-rest-sdk

我在使用REST API在单个页面上实现多个PayPal Express Checkout按钮时遇到问题。这是一个视频购买网站,用户只会购买单个视频,因此无需购买可跟踪多个项目的购物车。我只是想列出可用的视频,然后在每个视频旁边显示一个PayPal立即购买按钮。我有一个循环,它从我的数据库中提取视频信息内容,但我似乎无法弄清楚为什么这些按钮无法正常工作。





Here is an image of the page.


var ppbutton = paypal.Button.render( {

env: 'sandbox', // Or 'sandbox',

client: {
	sandbox: 'something',
	production: 'something'

commit: true, // Show a 'Pay Now' button

style: {
	label: 'buynow',
	branding: 'true',
	size: 'small', // small | medium | large | responsive
	shape: 'rect', // pill | rect
	color: 'blue' // gold | blue | silver | black

payment: function ( data, actions ) {
	return actions.payment.create( {
		payment: {
			transactions: [ {
				amount: {
					total: '12.95',
					currency: 'USD'

description: 'Video purchase from Boomer Fitness with Michael G.',
	item_list: {
		items: [ {
			name: 'Lean in Fifteen at Home #1',
			videoid: 'ws_lifh1',
			price: '12.95',
			currency: 'USD'
      } ]
	} ]
} );

onAuthorize: function ( data, actions ) {
	return actions.payment.execute().then( function ( payment ) {
		window.alert( 'payment received' );
		} );

onCancel: function ( data, actions ) {
	* Buyer cancelled the payment 

onError: function ( err ) {
	* An error occurred during the transaction 
}, '#' + videoid );

var videolisting = document.createElement( 'div' );
videolisting.setAttribute( 'class', 'row bottom-margin' );
videolisting.innerHTML = "<div class='col-md-12'><h3>" + videoname + "</h3><h3>$ " + videoprice + "</h3><div id='" + videoid + "'></div>" + ppbutton + "</div></div>";
document.getElementById( 'container' ).appendChild( videolisting );
} );

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