%put %nrow(sashelp.cars);
从给出不同形式行数的online solutions我尝试了这些但没有成功:
%macro nrow1(data);
%local n;
data _null_;
set &data NOBS=size;
call symput("n",size);
%macro nrow2(data);
%local n;
select count(*) as n into :n from &data;
%macro nrow3(data,lib);
%local n;
proc sql;
select nobs into :n
from dictionary.tables
where libname eq "&lib"
and memname eq '&table';
答案 0 :(得分:3)
您可以使用此宏。 https://github.com/sasutils/macros/blob/master/nobs.sas 如果可用,将使用元数据,否则通过逐行获取数据来计算观察数。它当前默认使用count创建一个宏变量,但可以在没有宏变量名的情况下调用它,甚至可以将宏定义修改为默认为不使用宏变量名。
%macro nobs
Return the number of observations in a dataset reference
(data /* Dataset specification (where clauses are supported) */
,mvar=nobs /* Macro variable to store result. */
/* Set MVAR= to use NOBS as an in-line function. */
When the MVAR parameter is empty then NOBS will return the result as
the output of the macro call so that NOBS can be called in a %IF or
%LET statement. See examples.
%* Generating the default macro variable ;
%if (&nobs = -1) %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg()) ;
%else %if (&nobs > 0) %then %do;
%* Use without generating macro variable ;
%if (%nobs(EVENTS,mvar=) > 0) %then %do;
%* Generating a different macro variable and use WHERE clause ;
%put Number of males = &nmales;
NOBS will return -1 when it cannot count the number of observations.
You can use %sysfunc(sysmsg()) to get the reason.
The macro variable specified in the MVAR parameter is globalized if not
previously defined in the calling environment.
When the DATA parameter is not specified, the last created data file is
In the rare case that NLOBSF function cannot count the observations
then the NOBS macro will loop through the dataset and count.
Testing so far has found that sequential datasets such as V5 transport
libraries cannot use the NLOBSF function. For large sequential datasets
you will get faster results using an SQL query instead of NOBS macro.
03DEC95 TRHoffman Creation
12JUL96 TRHoffman Protected against different values of MISSING
20AUG97 TRHoffman Protected against case changes in options table.
11MAR99 TRHoffman Trimmed the returned macro variable. (Recommended
by Paulette Staum). Used macro mvartest to globalize
previously undefined variables.
25OCT2000 abernt Updated to handle lowercase letters in where clause
and eight character libnames. Eliminated need to
use %TRIM() macro.
14OCT03 TRHoffman Used qupcase function to permit macro variables in
where clause.
09JAN2009 abernt Changed to use ATTRN functions. Test MVAR value.
Return results like a function when MVAR is blank.
01MAR2018 abernt Removed usage of sasname and mvartest macros.
%local dsid return ;
%if %length(&mvar) %then %do;
MVAR parameter must be a valid variable name.
%if not %sysfunc(nvalid(&mvar)) %then %do;
%put %str( );
%put ERROR: Macro NOBS user error.;
%put ERROR: "&mvar" is not a valid value for MVAR. Must be a valid SAS name.;
%goto quit;
MVAR paramater cannot duplicate a variable name used by NOBS macro.
%if %sysfunc(indexw(DATA MVAR DSID RETURN,%upcase(&mvar))) %then %do;
%put %str( );
%put ERROR: Macro NOBS user error.;
%put ERROR: "&mvar" is not a valid value for MVAR. Name in use by NOBS macro.;
%goto quit;
Globalize macro variable when not defined.
%if not %symexist(&mvar) %then %global &mvar ;
When DATA parameter not specified, use &syslast macro variable to get
last created data set.
%if %bquote(&data) = %then %let data=&syslast;
DATA=_NULL_ will successfully OPEN, but cannot be queried with ATTRN
function. So by setting DATA=*_NULL_* the OPEN call will fail and set
an error message that can be retrieved with the SYSMSG() function.
%if (%qupcase(&data) = _NULL_) %then %let data=*_NULL_*;
Initialize for failure.
%let return=-1;
Open the dataset for random access.
When there are no active where clauses then use NLOBS.
If that did not get a count then try NLOBSF.
%let dsid = %sysfunc(open(&data));
%if &dsid %then %do;
%if not %sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,WHSTMT)) %then
%let return = %sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,NLOBS));
%if (&return = -1) %then %let return = %sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,NLOBSF));
%let dsid = %sysfunc(close(&dsid));
If unable to get a count then try to open dataset for sequential access
and count observations by fetching each one.
%if (&return = -1) %then %do;
%let dsid = %sysfunc(open(&data,IS));
%if &dsid %then %do;
%let return=0;
%do %while (%sysfunc(fetch(&dsid)) = 0);
%let return = %eval(&return + 1);
%let dsid = %sysfunc(close(&dsid));
Return the value.
%if %length(&mvar) %then %let &mvar=&return;
%else &return;
%mend nobs;
答案 1 :(得分:1)
%macro nrow(data, where=);
%if(%index(%sysfunc(compress(&data.)), %bquote(where=)))
%then %let option = nlobsf;
%else %let option = nlobs;
%if(%sysfunc(exist( %scan(&data., 1, %str(%() ) ) ) ) %then %do;
%let dsid = %sysfunc(open(&data.) );
%let n = %sysfunc(attrn(&dsid, &option.) );
%let rc = %sysfunc(close(&dsid) );
%else %let n=-1;
答案 2 :(得分:1)
%macro get_nobs(data);
%local option dsid nobs rc;
%if(%index(%sysfunc(compress(&data.)), %bquote(where=)))
%then %let option = nlobsf;
%else %let option = nlobs;
%if(%sysfunc(exist( %scan(&data., 1, %str(%() ) ) ) ) %then %do;
%let dsid = %sysfunc(open(&data.) );
%let nobs = %sysfunc(attrn(&dsid, &option.) );
%let rc = %sysfunc(close(&dsid) );
%else %let nobs=-1;
%put NOBS: %get_nobs(sashelp.cars);
SAS Macros为您编写代码。您的尝试无效,因为他们试图在%put