我寻找检查我的宏,如果一个好的格式(小写,经度变换点逗号,格式手机像xx xx xx xx xx)如果不是一个好的格式颜色喜欢红色和白色写。
示例:如果我发现大写的格式不是小写,如:TRUE,我发现格式手机不像(58)86 48 48 85,那么,如果我发现经度与点号没有逗号:1.56所以你应该用红色为背景着色,因为它的格式不是很好
' Lower case Macro
' Loop to cycle through each cell in the specified range.
For Each x In Range("N:AA")
x.Value = LCase(x.Value)
' longitude Macro
Cells(AC, AD).Select
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Selection.NumberFormat = "General"
Selection.Replace What:=".", Replacement:=".", LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
End Sub
Function TelFormat(s As String)
s = Replace(s, "(", "")
s = Replace(s, ")", "")
s = Replace(s, " ", "")
s = Replace(s, " ", "")
n = Len(s) - 2
TelFormat = Format(s, "(00) ## ## ## ## ")
End Function