
时间:2018-02-28 20:48:42

标签: c struct





这是我在这里的任务,所以这两个更新功能几乎相同,在这里我试着写它们,我只是无法理解这里出了什么问题?也许我需要在这些函数中使用某种循环? main必须保持不变,并且add_record功能很好,所以不要介意。


#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

// Single animal entry
struct animal {
    char id[7]; // animal ID (6 characters) + terminating '\0'
    char *name; // animals name
    char *species; // animal species (string)
    unsigned char age; // animals age
    struct date entrydate;  // date of the animals arrival

struct animal *add_record(struct animal *array, unsigned int size, struct animal newanimal) 
    int n = size + 1;
    struct animal *newarray = realloc(array,  n*sizeof(*newarray));
    if (!newarray) {
    array = newarray; 
    strcpy(array[n - 1].id,;
    array[n - 1].name = malloc(strlen( + 1);
    strcpy(array[n - 1].name,;
    array[n - 1].species = malloc(strlen(newanimal.species) + 1);
    strcpy(array[n - 1].species, newanimal.species);
    array[n - 1].age = newanimal.age;
    array[n - 1].entrydate = newanimal.entrydate;
    return array;

int update_age(struct animal *array, unsigned int size, const char *p_id,
unsigned char newage) {

    for (int i = 0; !array; ++i) {
    if (strcmp(array[i], p_id)==0) {
        array[i] = newage;
        return 1
    return 0;

int update_entrydate(struct animal *array, unsigned int size, const char *p_id,
struct date newdate) {
    int n = size + 1;
    if (array[n-1].id == p_id) {
        array[n-1].entrydate = newdate;
        return 1;
    if (array[n].id == p_id) {
        array[n].entrydate = newdate;
        return 1;
    if (array[n + 1].id == p_id) {
        array[n + 1].entrydate = newdate;
        return 1;
    if (array[n + 2].id == p_id) {
        array[n + 2].entrydate = newdate;
        return 1;
        return 0;
int main()
    /*making new animal zoo which I want to which all of them I need to
      add to array in function add_record*/

    struct animal zoo[] = {
        { "123456", "Winnie-the-Pooh", "Bear", 94,{ 1,1,1924 } },
        { "555666", "Eeyore", "Donkey", 92,{ 1,1,1926 } },
        { "773466", "Piglet", "Very Small Animal", 30,{ 31, 12, 2015 } },
        { "234567", "Roo", "Kangaroo", 5,{ 31, 12, 2015 } }
    //this below is for the function add_record so do not mind
    struct animal *array = NULL;
    unsigned int len = 0;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(zoo) / sizeof(struct animal); i++) {
        struct animal *newarray = add_record(array, len, zoo[i]);
        array = newarray;
    //from here starts the part of this question
    struct date day1 = { 0, 0, 0 };

    if (!update_age(array, len, "555666", 50))
        printf("failed '555666'\n");

    if (!update_age(array, len, "23456677", 3))
        printf("failed '234567', invalid id\n");

    if (!update_entrydate(array, len, "123456", day1))
        printf("failed '111111'\n");

    if (!update_entrydate(array, len, "999999", day1))
        printf("failed '234567', no course\n");

    return 0;

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