如何将Google Data Studio与AWS RDS MySQL连接在VPC之后?

时间:2018-02-28 11:28:16

标签: mysql amazon-web-services google-data-studio

我在VPC内部托管了一个AWS RDS MySQL数据库。我在连接Google Data Studio时遇到问题,因为它显然不在VPC之内。 我在RDS中启用了library(shiny) library(shinydashboard) library(bupaR) library(processmapR) library(lubridate) library(dplyr) library(edeaR) library(shinyWidgets) library(DiagrammeR) ui <- dashboardPage( dashboardHeader(title = "Diagram Plot",titleWidth = 290), dashboardSidebar(width = 0), dashboardBody( tabsetPanel(type = "tab", tabPanel("Overview", value = 1, box( column(1, dropdown( pickerInput(inputId = "resources", label = "", choices = c("Throughput Time"), choicesOpt = list(icon = c("fa fa-bars", "fa fa-bars", "fa fa-safari")), options = list(`icon-base` = "")), circle = FALSE, status = "primary", icon = icon("list", lib = "glyphicon"), width = "300px" ), conditionalPanel( condition = "input.resources == 'Throughput Time' ", tags$br(), tags$br(), tags$br(), dropdown( pickerInput(inputId = "Case4", label = "Select the Process Time Summary Unit", choices = c("min","max","mean","median"), options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE), multiple = F), circle = FALSE, status = "primary", icon = icon("eye-close", lib = "glyphicon"), width = "300px" ), tags$br(), tags$br(), tags$br(), dropdown( pickerInput(inputId = "Case5", label = "Select the Process Time Unit", choices = c("mins","hours","days","weeks"), options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE), multiple = F, selected = "days"), circle = FALSE, status = "primary", icon = icon("eye-close", lib = "glyphicon"), width = "300px" ))), title = "Process Map", status = "primary",height = "575", width = "500", solidHeader = T, column(10,grVizOutput("State")), align = "left") ), id= "tabselected" ))) server <- function(input, output) { output$State <- renderDiagrammeR( { if(input$resources == "Throughput Time") patients %>% process_map(performance(FUN = mean,units = "days")) else return() })} shinyApp(ui, server) 选项,但仍然无法连接,即使是来自MySQL Workbench。

任何人都已成功连接VPC内的AWS RDS MySQL和Google Data Studio吗?什么是设置和配置?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我发布了类似的question来连接MySQL&amp; Google Data Studio(启用SSL时)。我的后一个问题仍然需要回答,但我实际上让MySQL Workbench与我们的AWS RDS MySQL-DB一起工作。


  • 按照documentationGRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'encrypted_user'@'%' REQUIRE SSL;
  • 的建议,向AWS的MySQL数据库用户添加SSL访问权限
  • 将您当前的IP地址添加到AWS实例的防火墙白名单中,以允许远程MySQL数据库访问。
  • 添加主机名,端口(3306),encrypted_user(上面创建的)和密码。