componentDidMount() {
// iOS: show permission prompt for the first call. later just check permission in user settings
// Android: check permission in user settings
FCM.requestPermissions().then(()=>console.log('granted')).catch(()=>console.log('notification permission rejected'));
/*FCM.getFCMToken().then(token => {
// store fcm token in your server
this.notificationListener = FCM.on(FCMEvent.Notification, async(notif) => {
console.log('FCM notification', notif)
// initial notification contains the notification that launchs the app. If user launchs app by clicking banner, the banner notification info will be here rather than through FCM.on event
// sometimes Android kills activity when app goes to background, and when resume it broadcasts notification before JS is run. You can use FCM.getInitialNotification() to capture those missed events.
// initial notification will be triggered all the time even when open app by icon so send some action identifier when you send notification
/*FCM.getInitialNotification().then(notif => {
console.log('FCM', notif)
//console.log('Initial Notification',notif)
FCM.getInitialNotification().then((notif: any) => {
// for android/ios app killed state
if (notif) {
// there are two parts of notif. notif.notification contains the notification payload, notif.data contains data payload
sendRemote(notif) {
var data = notif.fcm.body;
var title = notif.fcm.title;
title: 'App Name',
body: title,
big_text: title,
large_icon: 'ic_launcher',
priority: 'high',
sound: "default",
click_action: this.clickActions(notif),
show_in_foreground: true,
wake_screen: true,
local: true,
param: notif.notify_about,
paramData: data
notify_about:'&#39 ;, FCM:{行动:空, 体:" {数据:'',时间:''}&#34 ;, 颜色:空, 图标:'', 标签:空, 标题:"通知标题"}