使用Timer - Performance在Server上自动触发方法

时间:2018-02-28 07:07:49

标签: java server



我的问题是:由于代码在服务器上,并且可能有100个客户端会点击我的web服务并启动自己的计时器实例。 拥有这些多个计时器实例(例如100个或更多)会影响服务器性能吗?


更新 - 我的代码

public static final Map<String, Timer> userDeactivationPendingMap = new HashMap();

    public String checkDeactivationStatus(@PathParam("username") final String username) {

        String returnJsonString = "Email has been sent to IProc team to take further actions on it.";

        Timer timer = new Timer();
        TimerTask dailyTask = new TimerTask() {
            public void run() {
                hitEmailSendingApi(username, "abc@test.com");

        // schedule the task to run starting now and then every day...
        timer.schedule(dailyTask, 0l, 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);

        userDeactivationPendingMap.put(username, timer);

        return returnJsonString;

    @Path("/initializeUserDeactivationRequest")    @GET

    public String deactivateUser(@QueryParam("username") String username) {

        //code to deactivate user

        //Cancelling timer
        Timer timer = userDeactivationPendingMap.get(username);


        return "<h4>User Deactivated Successfully!!<h4>";

    private void hitEmailSendingApi(String username, String iprocTeamMailAddress) {

        String domain = RequestFilter.getRequest().getRequestURL().toString();
        String contextPath = RequestFilter.getRequest().getContextPath();
        String serverURL = domain.substring(0, domain.indexOf(contextPath));

        String servletPath = RequestFilter.getRequest().getServletPath();
        serverURL = serverURL + contextPath + servletPath;

        EmailSender.sendEmail(iprocTeamMailAddress, "Action Required: Clear User's Pending Requisitions for Account Deactivation", "Hi Team"
                + ",\n\n A new request for user deactivation has been raised by " + username + ".\n\n"
                + "Once all the requisitions are cleared, please press on below link for deactivating the user.\n"
                + serverURL + "/deactivate-account/initializeUserDeactivationRequest?username=" + (username));

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