
时间:2018-02-27 22:13:56

标签: java while-loop try-catch parseint

例如,如果我有一个显示不同整数的文本文件,但如果它遇到一个例如有字母的值,则会抛出NumberFormatException。我已经多次看到会使用try-catch语句,除此之外还有其他方法来处理这个异常吗?这是一个名为" data"的txt文件的示例。 (注意,有三个由空格分隔的整数)

545F6 6 100

12N45 A 50


while (data.hasNextLine()){
    if (!data.hasNextInt()){
        System.out.println("The number " + data.next() + " is invalid");


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


The number 545F6 is invalid
Valid numbers: [6, 100]

The number 12N45 is invalid
The number A is invalid
Valid numbers: [50]



您可能希望详细了解如何在类ValueError Traceback (most recent call last) /fsr/rfs07/ELEGANCE/work/code/python/s5p/animation_test.py in <module>() 25 line_ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig1, update_line, 25, fargs=(data, l), 26 interval=50, blit=True) ---> 27 line_ani.save('lines.mp4', writer=writer) 28 29 fig2 = plt.figure() /software/local/apps/python/2.7.9/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/animation.pyc in save(self, filename, writer, fps, dpi, codec, bitrate, extra_args, metadata, extra_anim, savefig_kwargs) 1061 # TODO: See if turning off blit is really necessary 1062 anim._draw_next_frame(d, blit=False) -> 1063 writer.grab_frame(**savefig_kwargs) 1064 1065 # Reconnect signal for first draw if necessary /software/local/apps/python/2.7.9/lib/python2.7/contextlib.pyc in __exit__(self, type, value, traceback) 33 value = type() 34 try: ---> 35 self.gen.throw(type, value, traceback) 36 raise RuntimeError("generator didn't stop after throw()") 37 except StopIteration, exc: /software/local/apps/python/2.7.9/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/animation.pyc in saving(self, *args, **kw) 287 yield self 288 finally: --> 289 self.finish() 290 291 def _run(self): /software/local/apps/python/2.7.9/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/animation.pyc in finish(self) 307 def finish(self): 308 'Finish any processing for writing the movie.' --> 309 self.cleanup() 310 311 def grab_frame(self, **savefig_kwargs): /software/local/apps/python/2.7.9/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/animation.pyc in cleanup(self) 346 def cleanup(self): 347 'Clean-up and collect the process used to write the movie file.' --> 348 out, err = self._proc.communicate() 349 self._frame_sink().close() 350 verbose.report('MovieWriter -- ' /software/local/apps/python/2.7.9/lib/python2.7/site-packages/subprocess32.pyc in communicate(self, input, timeout) 925 926 try: --> 927 stdout, stderr = self._communicate(input, endtime, timeout) 928 finally: 929 self._communication_started = True /software/local/apps/python/2.7.9/lib/python2.7/site-packages/subprocess32.pyc in _communicate(self, input, endtime, orig_timeout) 1711 if _has_poll: 1712 stdout, stderr = self._communicate_with_poll(input, endtime, -> 1713 orig_timeout) 1714 else: 1715 stdout, stderr = self._communicate_with_select(input, endtime, /software/local/apps/python/2.7.9/lib/python2.7/site-packages/subprocess32.pyc in _communicate_with_poll(self, input, endtime, orig_timeout) 1767 select_POLLIN_POLLPRI = select.POLLIN | select.POLLPRI 1768 if self.stdout: -> 1769 register_and_append(self.stdout, select_POLLIN_POLLPRI) 1770 stdout = self._fd2output[self.stdout.fileno()] 1771 if self.stderr: /software/local/apps/python/2.7.9/lib/python2.7/site-packages/subprocess32.pyc in register_and_append(file_obj, eventmask) 1746 poller = select.poll() 1747 def register_and_append(file_obj, eventmask): -> 1748 poller.register(file_obj.fileno(), eventmask) 1749 self._fd2file[file_obj.fileno()] = file_obj 1750 ValueError: I/O operation on closed file here的Java API文档中使用正则表达式。