StoreCode ArticleCode ArticleCategory NrID Cont Pcs Kgs [...]
1120 MEC CAT01 B1801 1 +30 300
1120 MEC CAT02 B1801 1 +80 800
1120 MEC CAT02 B1801 1 -20 200
1120 MEC CAT03 B1801 1 +50 500
1120 MEC CAT03 B1801 1 -50 500
1120 MEC CAT04 B1801 1 +90 900
1120 MEC CAT04 B1802 1 +10 100
1120 MEC CAT04 B1802 1 -5 50</pre>
Header 1: group by ArticleCode Just a formula field that shows the full name of the article based on the code read from the database Header 2: group by CatArt empty Header 3: groups by NrID empty Header 4: groups by Cont empty Details empty Footer 4: sum the pieces and the kilos Footer 3: empty Footer 2: empty Footer 1: empty
HS1: "Article source MEC of category 01" FS4: MEC CAT01 30 pcs x 300 kg HS1: "Article source MEC of category 02" FS4: MEC CAT02 60 pcs x 600 kg HS1: "Article source MEC of category 03" FS4: HS1: "Article source MEC of category 04" FS4: MEC CAT04 95 pcs x 950 kg
正如您从 FS4 中看到的那样,文章MEC CAT03
尚未打印,因为它有0件,但 HS1 中的描述已打印即使没有相应的行
如果基础 FS4 被省略(通过If Pcs <= 0
),如何省略 HS1 部分的打印?
我尝试在 HS1 中插入省略公式,如下所示,但它省略了所有HS1
If Sum ({FS4.Pcs}) <= 0 Then