
时间:2018-02-27 16:49:06

标签: applescript subdirectory



on adding folder items to thisfolder after receiving added_items
repeat with i from 1 to number of items in added_items
    set this_item to (item i of added_items)
    set DestinationFolderName to "A"
    tell application "Finder"
        move this_item to folder DestinationFolderName of thisfolder with replacing
    end tell
end repeat
end adding folder items to

我现在面临的困境是如何将set DestinationFolderName to "A"更改为对this_item文件名的反应。

我尝试set DestinationFolderName to text 1 thru 1 of filename和其他一些迭代,但问题似乎是找到提取第一个字母的文件名。


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



此代码在桌面上使用文件夹Test作为目标位置(尾部斜杠是至关重要的)并使用AppleScriptObjC帮助处理程序来获取文件名的大写首字母。< / p>


use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use scripting additions

use framework "Foundation"

on adding folder items to thisfolder after receiving added_items
    set destinationFolder to POSIX path of (path to desktop) & "Test/"
    repeat with i from 1 to number of items in added_items
        set this_item to item i of added_items
        tell application "System Events" to set fileName to name of this_item
        set prefix to uppercasedFirstCharacter(fileName)
        set destinationFile to destinationFolder & prefix & "/" & fileName
        do shell script "ditto " & quoted form of POSIX path of this_item & space & quoted form of destinationFile
        do shell script "rm " & quoted form of POSIX path of this_item
    end repeat
end adding folder items to

on uppercasedFirstCharacter(theString)
    set cocoaString to current application's NSString's stringWithString:theString
    return (cocoaString's substringToIndex:1)'s uppercaseString() as text
end uppercasedFirstCharacter

答案 1 :(得分:0)


出于这个脚本的目的,我在桌面上创建了一个名为“New Destination”的新(移动到)文件夹,其中包含子文件夹“A”,“B”,“C”等...


SATIMAGE Scripting Addition如果要移动的文件名的第一个字母是小写,则在此脚本中使用,可以创建的相应文件夹将从低级更改为大写

property DestinationFolderName : missing value
property moveToFolder : (path to desktop folder as text) & "New Destination"

on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving these_items
    repeat with i from 1 to number of items in these_items
        set this_item to item i of these_items
        tell application "Finder"
            set fileName to name of item this_item
            set DestinationFolderName to character 1 of fileName
        end tell

        -- SATIMAGE scripting addition is needed for next command
        set DestinationFolderName to uppercase DestinationFolderName

        tell application "Finder"
            set checkExists to moveToFolder & ":" & DestinationFolderName
                if not (exists of checkExists) then
                    make new folder at moveToFolder ¬
                        with properties {name:DestinationFolderName}
                end if
            end try
            move this_item to folder DestinationFolderName of folder moveToFolder with replacing
        end tell
    end repeat
end adding folder items to

答案 2 :(得分:0)



    property alphabet : "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ:abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"

    on adding folder items to thisfolder after receiving added_items

        tell application "Finder" to ¬
            repeat with this_item in the added_items
                get this_item's name
                get the first character of the result
                my capitalise(the result)

                set DestinationFolderName to the result

                if not (exists folder DestinationFolderName in folder thisfolder) then ¬
                    make new folder in folder thisfolder with properties ¬

                move this_item to folder DestinationFolderName of folder thisfolder
            end repeat

    end adding folder items to

    to capitalise(l as text)
        local l

        considering case
            set x to (the offset of l in the alphabet) mod 27
        end considering

        return character x of the alphabet
    end capitalise






但是,可能存在想要需要将文件存储在正在观看的文件夹中的情况。如果你从未被允许这样做,那么被监视的文件夹就不会真正用作文件夹的目的;它只是作为一个 Droplet (一个脚本,您可以删除文件和文件夹以执行某些操作)。

所以,虽然你绝对应该小心以这种方式使用一个监视文件夹,但你可以合理地采取适当的保护措施来防止无限回归。举个简单的例子,假设您的脚本只需要排序文件 文件夹;简单的解决方案是让脚本忽略它收到的任何文件夹。



    if not (exists folder DestinationFolderName in folder thisfolder) then ¬
        make new folder in folder thisfolder with properties ¬

    move this_item to folder DestinationFolderName of folder thisfolder

请注意,子文件夹始终在同一位置创建:thisfolder,这是正在观看的文件夹;它不是试图创建嵌套文件夹。也不是这样,如果有一个已经存在的文件夹使用正在处理的字母命名,那么它将不会尝试创建另一个。最后一个潜在的担忧可能来自于尝试move子文件夹进入自身。好吧,这不能在 Finder 中完成。这是 不可能 。因此,脚本将默默地抛出错误并终止,这正是我们想要的。


