我有以下函数,当我调用此函数并将其值存储在变量中时,它始终打印undefined ...但函数内的console.log()语句显示正确的数据。
function getInfo(messageContent) {
let getHttpRegex = /(?:https?):\/\/[\n\S]+/ig;
let httpMsg = messageContent.match(getHttpRegex)
let urlExpander = require('url-unshort')()
let location = "", lat = 0, lng = 0, encounterId = 0;
if (httpMsg[0].toString().includes('tinyurl')) {
.then(expandedUrl => {
if (expandedUrl) {
console.log(`Original url is: ${expandedUrl}`);
location = /lat=([-]?\d+\.\d+)&lon=([-]?\d+\.\d+)/.exec(expandedUrl)
encounterId = /&encId=(\d+)/.exec(expandedUrl)
lng = Number(location.pop()).toFixed(6);
lat = Number(location.pop()).toFixed(6);
encounterId = encounterId[1]
console.log([lat, lng, encounterId]) //Prints perfect
return [lat, lng, encounterId]
// no shortening service or an unknown one is used
else console.log("This url can't be expanded");
.catch(err => console.log("err " + err));
} else {
location = /lat=([-]?\d+\.\d+)&lon=([-]?\d+\.\d+)/.exec(httpMsg[0])
encounterId = /&encId=(\d+)/.exec(httpMsg[0])
lng = Number(location.pop()).toFixed(6);
lat = Number(location.pop()).toFixed(6);
encounterId = encounterId[1]
console.log([lat, lng, encounterId]) //Prints perfect
return [lat, lng, encounterId]
const Bluebird = require("bluebird")
let cordsAndEncId = getInfo(messageContent) // messagecontent is the string on which regex is performed
Bluebird.delay(5000).then(delayValue => {
console.log(cordsAndEncId) // Prints udnefined