
时间:2011-02-04 17:44:40

标签: iphone objective-c parsing nsxmlparser libxml2

我有一个字典/列表balance_sign_dict,我需要根据条件检索2个值。 源XML是;


我想从下面显示的dict中解析数据; 您能否告诉我如何解析条件数据(例如,如果我想要“签名”节点的“金额”节点的值为-873),即它应该返回给我1501042000



        nodeChildArray =         (
                nodeContent = "-873";
                nodeName = Signature;
                nodeContent = 1501042000;
                nodeName = Amount;
        nodeName = Value;
        nodeChildArray =         (
                nodeContent = "-1228";
                nodeName = Signature;
                nodeContent = 428586000;
                nodeName = Amount;
        nodeName = Value;
        nodeChildArray =         (
                nodeContent = "-1140";
                nodeName = Signature;
                nodeContent = 79370000;
                nodeName = Amount;
        nodeName = Value;


for (NSDictionary *valueNode in balance_sign_dict){
            for (NSArray *nodeChildArray in [valueNode objectForKey:@"nodeChildArray"]){
                NSString *tmpNodeName = [nodeChildArray objectAtIndex:1];
                NSDictionary *tmpD = [valueNode objectAtIndex:1];

                if ([tmpNodeName isEqualToString:@"Signature"]) {
                    tmpSignVal = [nodeChildArray objectAtIndex:0];
                    if ([tmpSignVal isEqualToString:@"-873"]) {
                        tmpSignAmt = [nodeChildArray objectAtIndex:1];

但由于某种原因,nodeChildArray的第二部分被删除了......即。 nodeContent = 1501042000;                 nodeName = Amount;


请帮忙。                 }


打印nodeChildArray的说明: {type = mutable dict,count = 2, entries =&gt;     0:{contents =“nodeName”} = {contents =“签名”}     1:{contents =“nodeContent”} = {contents =“ - 1507”} }

打印nodeChildArray的说明: {type = mutable dict,count = 2, entries =&gt;     0:{contents =“nodeName”} = {contents =“Amount”}     1:{contents =“nodeContent”} = {contents =“631000”} }


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

NSArrayNSDictionary是我所熟悉的任何语言中最好的容器类。 NSDictionary可以存储任何对象或基元,包括NSArray,反之亦然。当我说词典时,我随意提到任何一个班级。


// this is the beginning of an array.
        // this is the beginning of index 0 of the array, an `NSDictionary`
        // objectForKey:@"nodeChildArray"] isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]
        nodeChildArray =         ( // inside nodeChildArray is another array
                        { // index 0 of array is a dictionary with two keys
                // objectForKey:@"nodeContent" == @"-873"
                nodeContent = "-873";
                // objectForKey:@"nodeName" == @"Signature"
                nodeName = Signature;
            }, // end of index 0
                        { // index 1 of array
                nodeContent = 1501042000;
                nodeName = Amount;
            } // end of index 1
        ); // end of nodeChildArray, an NSArray stored at objectForKey:@"nodeChildArray"
        // this is the only other element in the dictionary, a string
        // objectForKey:@"nodeName"] isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]
        nodeName = Value;
    }, // end of the dictionary containing nodeChildArray and nodeName
        { // objectAtIndex:1
        nodeChildArray =         (
                nodeContent = "-1228";
                nodeName = Signature;
                nodeContent = 428586000;
                nodeName = Amount;
        nodeName = Value;
        { // objectAtIndex:2
        nodeChildArray =         (
                nodeContent = "-1140";
                nodeName = Signature;
                nodeContent = 79370000;
                nodeName = Amount;
        nodeName = Value;

因此,您可以从查看NSDictionary调试输出中看到它实际上是NSArray。结构的顺序是NSArray->NSDictionary->NSArray->NSString <--> [[[[NSArray objectAtIndex:i] NSDictionary objectForKey:@"nodeChildArray"] NSArray objectAtIndex:j] NSDictionary objectForKey:@"nodeContent"],最后返回NSString。将此作为最新代码使用 - 在我将balance_sign_dict作为NSDictionary传递的代码的最后一个版本中。 这甚至可能有效!但是正确地施放论证是更好的形式。如果您不知道您的词典是以NSArray还是NSDictionary开头,则可以将其转换为id并使用{{1}检查其类型}。请勿使用[theIdObject isKindOfClass:[{NSArray,NSDictionary} class]]并在代码中选择其中一个。
