
时间:2018-02-27 13:23:52

标签: purescript couchdb-2.0

在同一个脚本中,我可以在/ _config / admins /上成功创建服务器管理员,然后在_session端点上以该管理员身份登录。 答复是:



{"error":"unauthorized","reason":"You are not a server admin."}



我运行Couchdb 2.1.1。该脚本是Javascript,由Purescript编译。


    module Test.Couchdb where

    import Control.Monad.Aff (Aff)
    import Data.Argonaut (fromString)
    import Data.Argonaut.Core (fromObject)
    import Data.Foreign.Generic (defaultOptions, genericDecode)
    import Data.Foreign.NullOrUndefined (NullOrUndefined)
    import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
    import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
    import Data.Newtype (class Newtype)
    import Data.StrMap (fromFoldable) as StrMap
    import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
    import Network.HTTP.Affjax (AJAX, post, put, AffjaxResponse)
    import Network.HTTP.Affjax.Response (class Respondable, ResponseType(..))
    import Prelude (Unit, bind, pure, unit, ($), (<>))

    -- Run this function on a couchdb 2.1.1 instance with CORS set up or from the localhost.
    -- Puts a new admin with the given user name and password.
    -- Then creates a session.
    -- Finally tries to create a database.
    -- No analysis on what is returned from the server for clarities sake.
    -- This code fails, because the database cannot be created because: "You are not a server admin.". 
    test :: forall e. String -> String -> String -> Aff (ajax :: AJAX | e) Unit
    test usr pwd dbName = do
      (_ :: AffjaxResponse String) <- put ("" <> usr) (fromString pwd)
      (_ :: AffjaxResponse PostCouchdb_session) <- post ""
        (fromObject (StrMap.fromFoldable [Tuple "name" (fromString usr), Tuple "password" (fromString pwd)]))
      -- the argument to post is in essence {"name": <usr>, "password": <pwd>}
      (_ :: AffjaxResponse String) <-put ("" <> dbName) ""
      pure unit

    -- Just a definition for the return value of post.
    newtype PostCouchdb_session = PostCouchdb_session
      { ok :: Boolean
      , name :: NullOrUndefined String
      , roles :: Array String
    derive instance genericPostCouchdb_session :: Generic PostCouchdb_session _
    derive instance newtypePostCouchdb_session :: Newtype PostCouchdb_session _
    instance respondablePostCouchdb_session :: Respondable PostCouchdb_session where
      responseType = Tuple Nothing JSONResponse
      fromResponse = genericDecode $ defaultOptions {unwrapSingleConstructors = true}

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