I'm using spock to create my tests and now I have some problems because I need to mocking my service spring class that autowired a class from external API but that class is autowired by constructor with parameter on implementation.
I've searched on google but I didn't find any solution.
Below is my service class where I wanna to test methods.
public class AddressService {
private VASApiClient vasApiClient;
ConsResponse getAddress(String stateUpper, String postalCode, String number) {
try {
ConsRequest request = ConsRequest.builder()
ConsResponse vasResponse = this.vasApiClient.consLogr(request);
return vasResponse;
} catch (VASApiClientException e) {
log.error("Error calling ConsLogr IT CORE service.", e);
throw ApiException.builder()
.message("Error calling ConsultarLogradouro IT CORE service.")
Below is my Test Class:
@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.NONE)
class AddressServiceTest extends Specification {
private AddressService addressService
private VASApiClient vasApiClient
def 'find valid public place returned by exception'() {
def state = 'XZ'
def postalCode = '22280004'
def streetNumber = '99'
.build()) >> { throw new VASApiClientException("Exception Test", "Err")}
def actual = addressService.getAddress(state, postalCode, streetNumber)
def ex = thrown(ApiException)
ex.code == "unknown_error"
static class Configuration extends AbstractMongoConfiguration {
private DetachedMockFactory factory = new DetachedMockFactory()
AddressService addressService(){
return factory.Mock(AddressService)
VASApiClient VASApiClient() {
return factory.Mock(VASApiClient)
But when I attempting to run the test I get NullpointerException
because inside the VasApiCliente
the constructor receive a parameter as below:
public class VASApiClient extends BaseAPIClient {
public VASApiClient(VasApiConfiguration configuration) {
this.properties = configuration.getProperties();
public abstract class BaseAPIClient {
VASApiProperties properties;
Map<String, Map<String, String>> propertiesMap = new HashMap();
public BaseAPIClient() {
private void initializePropertiesMap() {
this.propertiesMap.put("consultLogr", this.properties.getConsultLogr());
this.propertiesMap.put("consultSubscriber", this.properties.getConsultSubscriber));
As mentioned previously when the BaseApi
attempt to executed the properties field I get the NullPointerException
I already attempt to return factory.Mock(VasApiCliente(Configurarion))
but not works because the Mock()
method just accept .class
and I've attempted return a real instance but it not works for me because I need to test using mock instances.
Kind regards