
时间:2018-02-25 16:28:50

标签: arrays excel-vba vba excel


Dim ColLen, ColLenArr As Long
Dim Address, arrears, TotalRent, TenType, Contract, Advance, Start, DueDate, HbDate, TenDate, PayedFull, CounterVar As Range
Dim PropArrear, TenArrearPayed, DavArrearPayed, DateArrearPayed, OweDavis, OweLandlord As Range
Dim r As Long
Dim MainTable As Variant
Dim ArrearTable As Variant
Dim FirstCellCol, FirstCellRow, FirstCellRowArr, FirstCellColArr

'Intitialization of reference values
FirstCellRow = Range("Address").Cells(1, 1).Row ' first row of Main Table
FirstCellCol = Range("Address").Cells(1, 1).Column ' firt Column of Main Table
MainTable = Array(Address, arrears, TotalRent, TenType, Contract, Advance, Start, DueDate, HbDate, TenDate, PayedFull)
ArrearTable = Array(PropArrear, TenArrearPayed, DavArrearPayed, DateArrearPayed, OweDavis, OweLandlord)
MainArrayLength = UBound(MainTable) - LBound(MainTable) + 1 'Number of elements in MainTable Array
ArrearArrayLength = UBound(ArrearTable) - LBound(ArrearTable) + 1 ' Number of elements in ArrearTable Array
ColLen = Range("Address").Rows.Count ' length of column in rows.
ColLenArr = Range("PropArrear").Rows.Count
FirstCellRowArr = Range("PropArrear").Row
FirstCellColArr = Range("PropArrear").Column

For r = 0 To MainArrayLength - 1 ' For each element in the Array, assign a range
    Set MainTable(r) = Range(Cells(FirstCellRow, FirstCellCol + r), Cells(ColLen + FirstCellRow - 1, FirstCellCol))

For r = 0 To ArrearArrayLength - 1 ' For each element index in the Array, assign a range variable
    Set ArrearTable(r) = Range(Cells(FirstCellRowArr, FirstCellColArr + r), Cells(ColLenArr + FirstCellRowArr - 1, FirstCellColArr)) ' set a range for each range variable.




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