
时间:2018-02-24 12:48:02

标签: c# c audio ffmpeg autogen


我不熟悉ffmpeg API,所以我想得到一个如何将音频文件拆分成小文件的例子,例如音频文件大约2个小时(可以是mp3,ogg,wav,等)我想将它分成几个x分钟的小文件。拆分应该在主音频文件上进行,时间戳来自和,例如从= 00:25:00(意思是25分钟)到= 00:31:12(意思是31分12秒),输出应该是是主音频文件的部分,结果是00:06:12(意思是6分12秒)。



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)

<强> FFmpeg.AutoGen


  1. 解码音频文件
  2. 从所需的开始时间戳中提取音频样本,直到所需的结束时间戳
  3. 对提取的样本进行编码
  4. 撰写新的音频文件
  5. 以下是C中的一些来源,可能会帮助您将所有内容整合在一起:


    <强> n音讯

    此代码读取MP3,提取已定义的段并将其写入WAV文件。它基于博客文章Concatenating Segments of an Audio File with NAudio,可以很容易地进行调整。

    using NAudio.Wave;
    using System;
    namespace NAudioSegments
        class SegmentProvider : IWaveProvider
            private readonly WaveStream sourceStream;
            private int segmentStart, segmentDuration;
            public SegmentProvider(WaveStream sourceStream)
                this.sourceStream = sourceStream;
            public WaveFormat WaveFormat => sourceStream.WaveFormat;
            public void DefineSegment(TimeSpan start, TimeSpan duration)
                if (start + duration > sourceStream.TotalTime)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Segment goes beyond end of input");
                segmentStart = TimeSpanToOffset(start);
                segmentDuration = TimeSpanToOffset(duration);
                sourceStream.Position = segmentStart;
            public int TimeSpanToOffset(TimeSpan ts)
                var bytes = (int)(WaveFormat.AverageBytesPerSecond * ts.TotalSeconds);
                bytes -= (bytes % WaveFormat.BlockAlign);
                return bytes;
            public int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
                int totalBytesRead = 0;
                int bytesRead = 0;
                    bytesRead = ReadFromSegment(buffer, offset + totalBytesRead, count - totalBytesRead);
                    totalBytesRead += bytesRead;
                } while (totalBytesRead < count && bytesRead != 0);
                return totalBytesRead;
            private int ReadFromSegment(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
                var bytesAvailable = (int)(segmentStart + segmentDuration - sourceStream.Position);
                var bytesRequired = Math.Min(bytesAvailable, count);
                return sourceStream.Read(buffer, offset, bytesRequired);
        class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
                using (var source = new Mp3FileReader(@"<input-path>"))
                    var segmentProvider = new SegmentProvider(source);
                    // Add desired splitting e.g. start at 2 seconds, duration 1 second
                    segmentProvider.DefineSegment(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
                    WaveFileWriter.CreateWaveFile(@"<output-path>", segmentProvider);


    您可以通过System.Diagnostics.Process课程直接从您的C#代码调用ffmpeg(请参阅例如this SO question),而不是使用FFmpeg.AutoGen。


    ffmpeg -i in.m4a -f segment -segment_time 300 -c copy out%03d.m4a


    ffmpeg -ss <start-time> -i in.m4a -c copy -t 300 out.m4a

    Source on superuser