Products = kendo.observable({
cancel: function(e) {...} //undo changes here...
'ContentAlignment': 'MIDDLE'
'alignment': 'CENTER'
OR代码在另一个def add_text_box(ss, org, elemID, presID):
# Create a new square textbox, using the supplied element ID.
height = {
'magnitude': 50,
'unit': 'PT'
width = {
'magnitude': 200,
'unit': 'PT'
requests = []
'createShape': {
'objectId': elemID,
'shapeType': 'TEXT_BOX',
'elementProperties': {
'pageObjectId': org,
'size': {
'height': height,
'width': width
'transform': {
'scaleX': 1,
'scaleY': 1,
'translateX': 10,
'translateY': 10,
'unit': 'PT'
# Insert text into the box, using the supplied element ID.
'insertText': {
'objectId': elemID,
'insertionIndex': 0,
'text': 'Position\nName\nDate'
# Change text style based on position in text string
'updateTextStyle': {
'objectId': elemID,
'textRange': {
'type': 'FIXED_RANGE',
'startIndex': 0,
'endIndex': 8
'style': {
'fontFamily': 'Arial',
'fontSize': {
'magnitude': 10,
'unit': 'PT'
'fields': 'fontFamily,fontSize'
'updateTextStyle': {
'objectId': elemID,
'textRange': {
'type': 'FIXED_RANGE',
'startIndex': 9,
'endIndex': 13
'style': {
'fontFamily': 'Arial',
'bold': True,
'fontSize': {
'magnitude': 14,
'unit': 'PT'
'fields': 'fontFamily,bold,fontSize'
'updateTextStyle': {
'objectId': elemID,
'textRange': {
'type': 'FIXED_RANGE',
'startIndex': 14,
'endIndex': 18
'style': {
'fontFamily': 'Arial',
'fontSize': {
'magnitude': 8,
'unit': 'PT'
'fields': 'fontFamily,fontSize'
# Execute the request.
body = {
'requests': requests
response = ss.presentations().batchUpdate(presentationId=presID, body=body).execute()
create_shape_response = response.get('replies')[0].get('createShape')
print('Created textbox with ID: {0}'.format(create_shape_response.get('objectId')))
'updateParagraphStyle': {
"objectId": elemID,
"style": {
"alignment": "CENTER"
"fields": 'alignment',
答案 0 :(得分:0)
其中一条评论要求提供可行的解决方案。这是在 Google batchUpdate 中。读取学生名册并为每个学生创建一张幻灯片,左上角的文本框中显示学生姓名。我打算换一个大师或背景来创建不同的作业。
function createSlideDeck(studentObj, assignNm, presId) { console.log('= = = = = = = = = = Begin createSlideDeck for ', assignNm, ' = = = = = = = = = = '); const ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(); const ssId = ss.getId();
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - create page for each student - - - - -
- - - - - - - - console.log('# students: ', studentObj.length); let updtReqArr = []
, pageId, pageElementId
, inObj = {}
, slideObj = {};
for (let i = 0; i < studentObj.length; i++) {
console.log('+ + + + + + + + + i: ', i, ' + + + + + + + + +');
console.log('student: ', studentObj[i].first);
// add a slide
pageId = Utilities.getUuid();
console.log('pageId: ', pageId);
slideObj = [{
'createSlide': {
'objectId': pageId,
'insertionIndex': 1,
'slideLayoutReference': {
'predefinedLayout': 'BLANK' // name of master
console.log('slideObj: ', JSON.stringify(slideObj));
console.log('updtReqArr.length: ', updtReqArr.length);
let sORi = 'solid';
inObj = { 'red': 0.988, 'green': 0.97, 'blue': 0.87, 'alpha': 0.3 };
bkgrdStyle = createBkgrdStyle(pageId, sORi, inObj);
console.log('bkgrdStyle: ', JSON.stringify(bkgrdStyle));
console.log('updtReqArr.length: ', updtReqArr.length);
// add a shape
pageElementId = Utilities.getUuid();
// console.log('pageElementId: ', pageElementId );
let shapeEnum = 'TEXT_BOX';
inObj = {
'size': { 'height': 35, 'width': 100, 'top': 10, 'left': 10 }
,'text': studentObj[i].first
,'shapeFill': { 'red': 0.988, 'green': 0.97, 'blue': 0.87, 'alpha': 0 }
,'border': { 'red': 0.988, 'green': 0.97, 'blue': 0.87, 'alpha': 0, 'weight': 0 }
,'txtProperties': { 'fntFam': "Corsiva", 'fntSz': 16,
'red': 0.988, 'green': 0.97, 'blue': 0.87,
'redT': 0.058, 'greenT': 0.045, 'blueT': 0.176 }
shapePkg = createShapeObj(pageId, pageElementId, shapeEnum, inObj)
console.log('createShape: ', JSON.stringify(shapePkg.createShape));
console.log('updtReqArr.length: ', updtReqArr.length);
console.log('updtShpProps: ', JSON.stringify(shapePkg.updtShpProps));
console.log('updtReqArr.length: ', updtReqArr.length);
console.log('updtTxtStyle: ', JSON.stringify(shapePkg.updtTxtStyle));
console.log('updtReqArr.length: ', updtReqArr.length);
// pres.addEditor(studentObj[i].schoolEmail); // created with batchUpdate after all students
console.log('slide set up for add: ', studentObj[i].first);
console.log('end of a student - updtReqArr.length: ', updtReqArr.length);
response = Slides.Presentations.batchUpdate({ 'requests': updtReqArr }, presId);
console.log('response: ', response );
updtReqArr = []; } // end loop for each student
console.log('after student loop updtReqArr.length: ', updtReqArr.length); // response = Slides.Presentations.batchUpdate({ 'requests': updtReqArr }, presId); // console.log('response: ', response ); DriveApp.getFileById(presId)
.setSharing(DriveApp.Access.ANYONE_WITH_LINK, DriveApp.Permission.EDIT);
console.log('End createSlideDeck'); }
NOTES: 'red':'num','green':'num', 'blue':'num', 'alpha':'num'}
where num is a value between 1.0 and 0.0
get this number by dividing the 0 - 255 number by 255
alpha is the value for alpha. a value of 1.0 corresponds to a
solid color, whereas a value of 0.0 corresponds to a completely
alphaparent color. Use alpha to get lighter colors.
pageId: id of individual slide
shapeEnum: 'solid' color or 'image'
inObj= {
'size': {
,shapeFill: {
,border: {
. . . . stuff used to set properties
returns shapeObj
function createShapeObj(pageId, pageElementId, shapeEnum, inObj) {
console.log('Begin createShapeObj - inObj.text: ', inObj.text);
let shapeObj = [{
'createShape': {
'objectId': pageElementId,
'shapeType': 'TEXT_BOX',
'elementProperties': {
'pageObjectId': pageId,
'size': {
'width': {
'magnitude': inObj.size.width,
'unit': 'PT'
'height': {
'magnitude': inObj.size.height,
'unit': 'PT'
}, // end size
'transform': {
'scaleX': 1,
'scaleY': 1,
'translateX': inObj.size.left,
'translateY': inObj.size.top,
'unit': 'PT'
} // end elementProperties
} // end createShape
}, {
'insertText': {
'objectId': pageElementId
,'text': inObj.text
,'insertionIndex': 0
// set shape properties
shapeUpdObj = [{}];
shapeUpdObj = updtShpProps(pageElementId, inObj);
// style the text
txtStyleObj = [{}];
txtStyleObj = updtTxtStyle(pageElementId, inObj);
shapePkg = { 'createShape': shapeObj, 'updtShpProps': shapeUpdObj, 'updtTxtStyle': txtStyleObj };
return shapePkg;
function updtShpProps(pageElementId, inObj) {
shapeUpdObj = [{
'updateShapeProperties': {
'objectId': pageElementId
,"fields": "shapeBackgroundFill.solidFill.color"
,"shapeProperties": {
"contentAlignment": 'MIDDLE'
,"shapeBackgroundFill": {
"propertyState": 'RENDERED'
,"solidFill": {
"color": {
'rgbColor': {
"red": inObj.shapeFill.red,
"green": inObj.shapeFill.green,
"blue": inObj.shapeFill.blue
"alpha": inObj.shapeFill.trans
"outline": { // border
"outlineFill": {
"solidFill": {
"color": {
'rgbColor': {
"red": inObj.border.red,
"green": inObj.border.green,
"blue": inObj.border.blue
"alpha": inObj.border.trans
"weight": {
"magnitude": inObj.border.weight,
"unit": 'PT'
} // end outline / border properties
} // end shapeProperties
}, { // end updateShapeProperties
'updateParagraphStyle': {
'objectId': pageElementId
,'textRange': {
'type': "ALL"
,'style': {
"alignment": "CENTER"
} // end update paragraph style
]; // end shapeUpdObj
return shapeUpdObj;
function updtTxtStyle(pageElementId, inObj) {
txtStyleObj = [{
'updateTextStyle': {
'objectId': pageElementId
,'fields': 'foregroundColor,bold,italic,fontFamily,fontSize,underline'
,'style': {
// This did not seem necessary but it ran successfully
// "backgroundColor": {
// 'opaqueColor': {
// "rgbColor": {
// "red": inObj.red,
// "green": inObj.green,
// "blue": inObj.blue
// }
// }
// }
// ,'foregroundColor': {
// 'opaqueColor': {
// "rgbColor": {
// "red": inObj.redT,
// "green": inObj.greenT,
// "blue": inObj.blueT
// }
// }
// }
// 'themeColor': 'ACCENT5' // https://developers.google.com/slides/reference/rest/v1/presentations.pages/other
'bold': true
,'italic': false
,'underline': false
,'fontFamily': inObj.txtProperties.fntFam
,'fontSize': {
'magnitude': inObj.txtProperties.fntSz
,'unit': 'PT'
,'textRange': {
'type': 'ALL'
} // end update text style
return txtStyleObj;