和mixed.language.strings <- c("Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events: Today will be the First Annual Mariachi and Folklorico Festival! Local groups begin at 1:00pm and world renowned headliners start at 3:00pm. It will be located in Millennium Park. Invite your friends, family, and neighbors to participate in this FREE event! \nEnjoy the weather on this beautiful Sunday! \n ************** \n Departamento de Asuntos Culturales y Eventos Especiales: Hoy será el Primer Festival Anual de Mariachi y Balet Folklórico! Los grupos locales comienzan a las 1:00 pm y los grupos de renombre mundial empiezan a las 3:00 pm. Será en el Millennium Park. Inviten a su familia, amigo@s, y vecin@s a este evento completamente GRATIS!",
"Call or walk into our office for information on the Emergency Heating Repair Program which provides eligible low-income, owner-occupied homes grants for a new heating system.\n\nLlame o visite nuestra oficina para más información sobre un programa de la Ciudad ofreciendo dinero hacía la reparación o instalación de sistemas de calefacción. Dueños de casa de ingresos bajos son elegibles. \n\n 3476 S. Archer Ave. \n (773) 523-8250",
"Join me and other local elected officials for a workshop on appealing your property taxes. Homes in West & South townships of Cook County are currently eligible to appeal. See flier for more info, or call my office at 773-523-8250.\n\nLos invito a un taller sobre el proceso de apalear sus impuestos de propiedad. Hogares en los West y East “townships” del Condado de Cook son elegibles ahora para apalear sus impuestos. Por favor refiéranse al volante añadido a este mensaje, o llame mi oficina al 773-523-8250, para más información."
和import React from 'react';
import GoldenLayout from 'golden-layout';
import {Provider} from 'react-redux';
import Default from '../modules/m-Default/Default';
interface GoldenLayoutWrapperProps {}
interface GoldenLayoutWrapperState {}
class GoldenLayoutWrapper extends React.Component <GoldenLayoutWrapperProps, GoldenLayoutWrapperState> {
public layout;
static contextTypes = {
store: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired
private wrapComponent(Component, store) {
class Wrapped extends React.Component {
render () {
return (
<Provider store={store}>
<Component {...this.props}/>
return Wrapped;
componentDidMount() {
var layout = new GoldenLayout(this.layoutConfig, this.layout);
layout.registerComponent('Default', this.wrapComponent(Default, this.context.store));
render() {
return (
<div className="golden-layout-wrapper" ref={input => this.layout = input}/>
private layoutConfig = {}
export default GoldenLayoutWrapper;
答案 0 :(得分:1)
以下是我在评论中建议的方法的实现,如果您希望字符串中的语言之间有换行符,则可以使用该方法。 (在你的所有例子中都是这种情况。如果一般情况下不成立,也许你可以尝试分割换行符,句号,感叹号和问号)
list.of.strings <- strsplit(mixed.language.strings, '\n')
ExtractEnglishSubstrings <- function(string.vector) {
return(string.vector[which(detect_language(string.vector) == 'en')])
lapply(list.of.strings, ExtractEnglishSubstrings)
[1] "Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events: Today will be the First Annual Mariachi and Folklorico Festival! Local groups begin at 1:00pm and world renowned headliners start at 3:00pm. It will be located in Millennium Park. Invite your friends, family, and neighbors to participate in this FREE event! "
[2] "Enjoy the weather on this beautiful Sunday! "
[1] "Call or walk into our office for information on the Emergency Heating Repair Program which provides eligible low-income, owner-occupied homes grants for a new heating system."
[1] "Join me and other local elected officials for a workshop on appealing your property taxes. Homes in West & South townships of Cook County are currently eligible to appeal. See flier for more info, or call my office at 773-523-8250."
ExtractEnglishSubstrings <- function(string.vector) {
english.vector <- string.vector[which(detect_language(string.vector) == 'en')]
reassembled.string <- paste0(english.vector, collapse=' ')
unlist(lapply(list.of.strings, ExtractEnglishSubstrings))
[1] "Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events: Today will be the First Annual Mariachi and Folklorico Festival! Local groups begin at 1:00pm and world renowned headliners start at 3:00pm. It will be located in Millennium Park. Invite your friends, family, and neighbors to participate in this FREE event! Enjoy the weather on this beautiful Sunday! "
[2] "Call or walk into our office for information on the Emergency Heating Repair Program which provides eligible low-income, owner-occupied homes grants for a new heating system."
[3] "Join me and other local elected officials for a workshop on appealing your property taxes. Homes in West & South townships of Cook County are currently eligible to appeal. See flier for more info, or call my office at 773-523-8250."
答案 1 :(得分:0)
下面的代码保留了子串,类似于HarlandMason提供的,有两个变化:(1)它不是接受字符串向量作为输入,而是接受单个字符串和输出单个字符串; (2)它允许您输入您想要保留的子串的语言(以cld2::detect_language
KeepSubstrings.bylanguage <- function(string, language) {
string.vector <- unlist(strsplit(string, '\n'))
cut.vector <- string.vector[which(cld2::detect_language(string.vector) == language)]
reassembled.string <- paste0(cut.vector, collapse=' ')
下面的代码类似,但删除某种语言的子串,而不是只保留某种语言的子串(如果某些子串非常短,这会对{ {1}}函数,你宁愿对保留函数不确定的子字符串更加谨慎):
根据上一个答案中的建议,这两个字符串都可以使用RemoveSubstrings.bylanguage <- function(string, language) {
string.vector <- unlist(strsplit(string, '\n'))
cut.vector <- string.vector[which(cld2::detect_language(string.vector) != language)]
reassembled.string <- paste0(cut.vector, collapse=' ')