[2018-02-22 12:11:28:0744 Error BtsCfg] d:\bt\52584\private\source\setup\btscfg\btswmi.cpp(436): FAILED hr = c0c02524
[2018-02-22 12:11:28:0744 Error BtsCfg] Failed to create Management database "BizTalkMgmtDb" on server "sql.joseph.local".
The specified @job_name ('CleanupBTFExpiredEntriesJob_BizTalkMgmtDb') does not exist.
SQL script file: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft BizTalk Server 2016\Schema\\btf_message_logic.sql"
DECLARE @ReturnCod..."
[2018-02-22 12:11:28:0744 Error BtsCfg] d:\bt\52584\private\source\setup\btscfg\btscfg.cpp(1801): FAILED hr = c0c02524
[2018-02-22 12:11:28:0744 Info BtsCfg] Entering function: CBtsCfg::UnConfigureFeature
[2018-02-22 12:11:28:0744 Info BtsCfg] Unconfiguring feature: WMI
[2018-02-22 12:11:28:0744 Warning BtsCfg] BTS management server or DB names are not found in the registry.
[2018-02-22 12:11:28:0744 Info BtsCfg] Entering function: CWMI::StopHostInstance
[2018-02-22 12:11:28:0807 Error BtsCfg] d:\bt\52584\private\source\setup\btscfg\btswmi.cpp(1551): FAILED hr = c0c024bf
[2018-02-22 12:11:28:0807 Error BtsCfg] The server has not been configured.
To configure the server, run the BizTalk Server Configuration wizard and configure the Group feature.
[2018-02-22 12:11:28:0807 Info BtsCfg] Entering function: CWMI::UnMapHost
[2018-02-22 12:11:28:0807 Error BtsCfg] d:\bt\52584\private\source\setup\btscfg\btswmi.cpp(1696): FAILED hr = c0c024bf
[2018-02-22 12:11:28:0807 Error BtsCfg] The server has not been configured.
To configure the server, run the BizTalk Server Configuration wizard and configure the Group feature.
[2018-02-22 12:11:28:0807 Info BtsCfg] Instantiating IBTSMsgBoxPerformance object
[2018-02-22 12:11:28:0979 Info BtsCfg] Calling IBTSMsgBoxPerformance::UninstallArtifacts
Exception in CounterManager.UninstallArtifacts when uninstalling the perf counter instances. The exception details are:
Source of exception: System
Message: Cannot delete Performance Category because this category is not registered or is a system category.
Stack trace: at System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategory.Delete(String categoryName)
at Microsoft.BizTalk.MsgBoxPerfCounters.MgmtDbAccessEntity.UninstallInstances(Boolean regularUninstall)
at Microsoft.BizTalk.MsgBoxPerfCounters.CounterManager.UninstallArtifacts(Boolean regularUninstall, String logFileName)
[2018-02-22 12:11:29:0150 Info BtsCfg] Stopping Tracing
[2018-02-22 12:11:29:0166 Info BtsCfg] Entering function: CWMI::DeleteServer
[2018-02-22 12:11:29:0166 Error BtsCfg] d:\bt\52584\private\source\setup\btscfg\btswmi.cpp(1351): FAILED hr = c0c024bf
[2018-02-22 12:11:29:0166 Error BtsCfg] The server has not been configured.
To configure the server, run the BizTalk Server Configuration wizard and configure the Group feature.
[2018-02-22 12:11:29:0182 Info BtsCfg] Entering function: CWMI::UnConfigureGroup
[2018-02-22 12:11:29:0182 Error BtsCfg] d:\bt\52584\private\source\setup\btscfg\btswmi.cpp(1074): FAILED hr = c0c024bf
[2018-02-22 12:11:29:0182 Error BtsCfg] The server has not been configured.
To configure the server, run the BizTalk Server Configuration wizard and configure the Group feature.
[2018-02-22 12:11:29:0182 Info BtsCfg] Leaving function: CBtsCfg::UnConfigureFeature
[2018-02-22 12:11:29:0182 Info BtsCfg] Leaving function: CBtsCfg::ConfigureFeature
[2018-02-22 12:11:29:0182 Warning Configuration Framework]Feature failed to configure: WMI.
[2018-02-22 12:11:29:0510 Info Configuration Framework]Configuration Summaries:
[2018-02-22 12:11:29:0510 Error Configuration Framework]Feature: [Group] Failed to configure with error message [Failed to create Management database "BizTalkMgmtDb" on server "sql.joseph.local".
The specified @job_name ('CleanupBTFExpiredEntriesJob_BizTalkMgmtDb') does not exist.
SQL script file: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft BizTalk Server 2016\Schema\\btf_message_logic.sql"
DECLARE @ReturnCod..."]
[2018-02-22 12:11:29:0510 Error Configuration Framework]Feature: [BizTalk Runtime] Failed to configure with error message [Feature is skipped due to dependent feature (Group) failed to configure correctly.]
[2018-02-22 12:11:29:0510 Error Configuration Framework]Feature: [BAM Tools] Failed to configure with error message [Feature is skipped due to dependent feature (Group) failed to configure correctly.]
[2018-02-22 12:11:29:0510 Error Configuration Framework]Feature: [BAM Portal] Failed to configure with error message [Feature is skipped due to dependent feature (Group) failed to configure correctly.]
https://i.imgur.com/iyC9yJr.png https://i.imgur.com/Lrb8i3A.png
答案 0 :(得分:0)
Installing BT 2010 on Windows 2008. Failed to configure Group