我需要从AWS S3通过HTTP获取一些大对象(最多50GB)并计算每个对象的哈希值。我还需要获取内容类型,如果是某种类型,请获取一些元数据。
(改编自solution #5 in this article)。
func handleUpload(u io.Reader) {
// create the pipes
contentTypeR, contentTypeW := io.Pipe()
metaR, metaW := io.Pipe()
hashR, hashW := io.Pipe()
// create channel to synchronize
done := make(chan bool)
defer close(done)
contentTypeCh := make(chan string)
defer close(contentTypeCh)
go getContentType(contentTypeR, contentTypeCh, done)
go processMetadata(metaR, contentTypeCh, done)
go calculateHash(hashR, done)
go func() {
defer contentTypeW.Close
defer metaW.Close()
defer hashW.Close()
mw := io.MultiWriter(contentTypeW, metaW, hashW)
io.Copy(mw, u)
// wait until all are done
for c := 0; c < 3; c++ {
func getContentType(r io.Reader, contentTypeCh chan <- string, done <-chan bool) {
lr := io.LimitReader(r, 512) // only read the first 512 bytes
first512, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
if err != nil{
//do something with the error
contentType := http.DetectContentType(first512)
contentTypeCh <- contentType
func processMetadata(r io.Reader, contentTypeCh <-chan string, done <-chan bool) {
contentType := <-contentTypeCh
if contentType != "image" {
return // don't get the metadata if the type is not an image