我应该写一个批处理文件来读取一个文本文件和两个命令行参数说“task”和“choice”。可以选择两个值 - “enable”和“disable”
现在我想逐行输入文件并将行的开头与输入的“task”命令行参数匹配,后跟冒号(:)后跟任何内容。 现在如果选择是“启用”,那么我必须在任务匹配的相应行中加上“:N”,如果它不包含:N已经
这样的命令myscript.bat 2344 enable
@echo off
set /A taskname= %1
set choice= %2
FOR /F "tokens=* delims=" %%x in (testdoc.txt) do (
echo %x%|findstr /R "^'%1'.*[^:][^N]$"
if errorlevel 1 (echo does not contain) else (echo contains)
在此,我试图逐行比较正则表达式,但它没有按预期工作。 任何帮助,将不胜感激 感谢
答案 0 :(得分:0)
@echo off
set "TempFile=
rem Is first parameter /? for getting help?
if "%~1" == "/?" goto ShowHelp
rem Is the batch file not started with any none empty parameter?
if not "%~1" == "" (
rem Does the first parameter not consist of only digits 0-9?
for /F "delims=0123456789" %%I in ("%~1") do goto ShowHelp
rem Is there also specified a second parameter?
if not "%~2" == "" (
rem Is the second parameter neither enable nor disable (case-insensitive)?
if /I not "%~2" == "disable" if /I not "%~2" == "enable" goto ShowHelp
rem Setup a local environment for this batch file.
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
rem Define the name of the text file without or with path to modify.
rem Define the name of the temporary file needed to modify the file.
set "TextFile=TextFile.txt"
set "TempFile=%TEMP%\%~n0.tmp"
rem Does the text file to modify exist at all?
if not exist "%TextFile%" goto MissingFile
rem Was a task number specified on starting this batch file?
if not "%~1" == "" set "TaskNumber=%~1" & goto FindTask
rem Prompt the user for the task number and make sure that the user really
rem enters a number by verifying user input using a very secure method.
set "TaskNumber="
set /P "TaskNumber=Enter task number: "
if not defined TaskNumber goto PromptNumber
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /F "delims=0123456789" %%I in ("!TaskNumber!") do endlocal & goto PromptNumber
rem Does the file to modify contain the number at beginning of a
rem line as specified with first parameter and followed by a colon?
%SystemRoot%\System32\findstr.exe /B /L /M /C:"%TaskNumber%:" "%TextFile%" >nul 2>&1
if errorlevel 1 goto MissingNumber
rem Has the user specified the action to perform as second parameter.
if /I "%~2" == "enable" set "TaskAction=1" & goto ModifyFile
if /I "%~2" == "disable" set "TaskAction=2" & goto ModifyFile
rem Prompt the user for the action to perform.
%SystemRoot%\System32\choice.exe /N /M "Press Y to enable or N to disable task: "
set "TaskAction=%ERRORLEVEL%"
rem Copy the file with ignoring empty lines and lines starting with a
rem semicolon to temporary file with modifying all lines starting with
rem the specified task number according to specified action to perform.
rem But delete the temporary file before if existing by chance.
del "%TempFile%" 2>nul
set "FileModified="
for /F "usebackq tokens=1* delims=:" %%I in ("%TextFile%") do (
if not "%%I" == "%TaskNumber%" (
echo %%I:%%J>>"%TempFile%"
) else (
set "TextLine=%%I:%%J"
call :ModifyLine
rem Was no line modified on copying all the lines to temporary file?
if not defined FileModified del "%TempFile%" & goto EndBatch
rem Move the temporary file over the text file to modify.
move /Y "%TempFile%" "%TextFile%" 2>nul
rem Was the text file overwritten by command MOVE?
if not errorlevel 1 goto EndBatch
rem Inform the user that the text file to modify could not be
rem modified because of being read-only or missing appropriate
rem NTFS permissions or a sharing access violation occurred.
del "%TempFile%"
for /F %%I in ("%TextFile%") do set "TextFile=%%~fI"
echo ERROR: "%TextFile%" could not be modifed.
echo Please make sure the file has not read-only attribute
echo set, is not opened in any application and you have
echo the necessary permissions to overwrite this file.
goto HaltBatch
rem This is a subroutine which modifies a line with right task
rem number according to action to perform and outputs this line
rem into the temporary file. It records also if the line needed
rem to be modified at all.
if %TaskAction% == 1 (
if not "%TextLine:~-2%" == ":N" (
set "TextLine=%TextLine%:N"
set "FileModified=1"
) else (
if "%TextLine:~-2%" == ":N" (
set "TextLine=%TextLine:~0,-2%"
set "FileModified=1"
>>"%TempFile%" echo %TextLine%
goto :EOF
rem Get name of file with full path which works also for not existing
rem file and inform the user about missing file to modify with full
rem path to see also where this batch file expected it on execution.
for /F %%I in ("%TextFile%") do set "TextFile=%%~fI"
echo ERROR: "%TextFile%" does not exist.
goto HaltBatch
rem The specified number does not exist in the file to modify
rem at beginning of a line. Inform the user about this error.
echo ERROR: %TaskNumber% not found in file "%TextFile%".
goto HaltBatch
echo Usage: %~nx0 [task] [disable ^| enable]
echo task ...... number of the task to enable or disable.
echo disable ... disable the specified task.
echo enable .... enable the specified task.
echo %~nx0 can be also started without any parameter.
echo In this case the task number and the action to perform
echo can be entered during the execution of the batch file.
if defined TempFile endlocal
必须根据您的环境修改命令行set "TextFile=TextFile.txt"
call /?
choice /?
del /?
echo /?
endlocal /?
findstr /?
for /?
goto /?
if /?
move /?
pause /?
rem /?
set /?
setlocal /?