声明Generic类型必须实现Generic Constraint

时间:2018-02-21 11:53:38

标签: c# generics

我希望Foo<T>要求任何实例化都自己实现T。 (Foo<>可以是抽象的,也可以是接口)

或者如果它实际上是MyFoo : IFoo<ConcreteClass>,那么MyFoo : ConcreteClass


<小时/> 编辑:我确信自己这是不可能的。 作为参考,有问题的代码如下所示:

public abstract class BotController<TBot> : BotController, IBotController<TBot>
    protected BotController(TBot wrappedBot, PlayerRecord player, long timeout) : base(player, timeout)
        WrappedBot = wrappedBot;

    protected TBot WrappedBot { get; set; }
    public abstract TBot ControlledBot { get; }

    private string cachedName;
    public  override string BotName => (cachedName = (cachedName ?? WrappedBot.Name));

    protected T SafelyPerformBotActionWithTimer<T>(Func<TBot, T> botAction, string errorDescriptor)
        return SafelyPerformBotActionWithTimer(() => botAction(WrappedBot), errorDescriptor);

    protected void SafelyPerformBotActionWithTimer(Action<TBot> botAction, string errorDescriptor)
        SafelyPerformBotActionWithTimer(() => botAction(WrappedBot), errorDescriptor);

public class BattleshipsController : BotController<IBattleshipsBot>, IBattleshipsBot
    public BattleshipsController(IBattleshipsBot battleshipImplementation, PlayerRecord playerRecord, long timeout = 1000)
        : base(battleshipImplementation, playerRecord, timeout) {}

    public override IBattleshipsBot ControlledBot => this;

    public IEnumerable<IShipPosition> GetShipPositions()
        //qqMDM validate Ship Positions here?
        return SafelyPerformBotActionWithTimer(b => b.GetShipPositions(), "specifying ship positions");

    public IGridSquare SelectTarget()
        var target = SafelyPerformBotActionWithTimer(b => b.SelectTarget(), "selecting a target");

        if (target.IsOutsideGrid())
            throw new ShotOffBoardException($"{BotName} has tried to shoot off the board, aiming at square {target.Row}{target.Column}", this);
        return target;

    public void HandleShotResult(IGridSquare square, bool wasHit)
        SafelyPerformBotActionWithTimer(b => b.HandleShotResult(square, wasHit), "handling shot result");

    public void HandleOpponentsShot(IGridSquare square)
        SafelyPerformBotActionWithTimer(b => b.HandleOpponentsShot(square), "handling opponent's shot");

    public string Name => BotName;

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



abstract class Foo<TWrappedType> where Foo : TWrappedType


由于您无法约束Generic Type是接口还是类,因此语法不存在。


答案 1 :(得分:0)


interface IInterface<T>
{ }

class Foo<T> : IInterface<T> where T : IInterface<T>


答案 2 :(得分:-1)



见这里:implicit operator using interfaces