
时间:2018-02-20 20:58:10

标签: python iteration pandas-groupby


(1,    Primary BP     Product Rpt Month Closing Balance
0      1  CHECK    201708          10.04
1      1  CHECK    201709           11.1
2      1  CHECK    201710          11.16
3      1  CHECK    201711          11.22
4      1  CHECK    201712          11.28
5      1  CHECK    201801          11.34)
(2,      Primary BP     Product Rpt Month Closing Balance
79       2  CHECK    201711        52.42
85       2  CHECK    201712        31.56
136      2  CHECK    201801          99.91)


(1,    Primary BP     Product Rpt Month Closing Balance standardized
0      1  CHECK    201708          10.04    0
1      1  CHECK    201709           11.1    1.1
2      1  CHECK    201710          11.16    1.16
3      1  CHECK    201711          11.22    1.22
4      1  CHECK    201712          11.28    1.28
5      1  CHECK    201801          11.34    1.34)
(2,      Primary BP     Product Rpt Month Closing Balance standardized
79       2  CHECK    201711        52.42      0
85       2  CHECK    201712        31.56    -20.86
136      2  CHECK    201801          99.91   47.79)


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


bpid = []
diffs = []

# These two lines were just a bit of cleaning needed to make the vals numeric
data['Closing Balance'] = data['Closing Balance'].str.replace(",", "")
data['Closing Balance'] = pd.to_numeric(data['Closing Balance'])

# Create a new variable in monthly_data that simply shows the increase in closing balance for each month,
# setting the first month to 0
for index, row in data.iterrows():
    bp = row[0]
    if bp not in bpid:
        first = row[3]
    bal = row[3]
    diff = round(bal-first, 2)
    row['balance increase'] = diff

# Just checking to make sure there are the right number of values. Same as data, so good to go

# Convert my list of differences in closing balance to a series object, and merge with the monthly_data
se = pd.Series(diffs)
data['balance increase'] = se.values