PathView {
id: pathView
delegate: Rectangle {
Behavior on x {
NumberAnimation {
duration: 5000
path: path1
答案 0 :(得分:1)
不幸的是,将“ PathView.path”更改为另一个“ Path”将破坏并重新创建委托,就像更改模型一样。
PathView {
id: pathView
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.margins: 100
model: 3
path: Path {
id: pathLines
PathLine { id: pl1 }
PathLine { id: pl2 }
PathLine { id: pl3 }
PathLine { id: pl4 }
PathLine { id: pl5 }
state: 'zigzag'
states: [
State {
name: "zigzag"
PropertyChanges { target: pathLines; startX: 0; startY: 100; }
PropertyChanges { target: pl1; x: 200; y: 300; }
PropertyChanges { target: pl2; x: 500; y: 100; }
PropertyChanges { target: pl3; x: 600; y: 300; }
PropertyChanges { target: pl4; x: 800; y: 100; }
PropertyChanges { target: pl5; x: 1000; y: 300; }
State {
name: "close"
PropertyChanges { target: pathLines; startX: pathView.width/2; startY: pathView.height/2; }
PropertyChanges { target: pl1; x: pathView.width/2; y: pathView.height/2; }
PropertyChanges { target: pl2; x: pathView.width/2; y: pathView.height/2; }
PropertyChanges { target: pl3; x: pathView.width/2; y: pathView.height/2; }
PropertyChanges { target: pl4; x: pathView.width/2; y: pathView.height/2; }
PropertyChanges { target: pl5; x: (pathView.width/2) + 1; y: pathView.height/2; } // Note: "+1" to fix disappearance bug
State {
name: "open"
PropertyChanges { target: pathLines; startX: pathView.width/2; startY: pathView.height/4; }
PropertyChanges { target: pl1; x: pathView.width/2; y: pathView.height/4; }
PropertyChanges { target: pl2; x: pathView.width/2; y: pathView.height/4; }
PropertyChanges { target: pl3; x: pathView.width/2; y: pathView.height/4; }
PropertyChanges { target: pl4; x: pathView.width/2; y: pathView.height/4; }
PropertyChanges { target: pl5; x: pathView.width/2 + 1; y: pathView.height/4; } // Note: "+1" to fix disappearance bug
State {
name: "triangle"
PropertyChanges { target: pathLines; startX: 200; startY: 500; }
PropertyChanges { target: pl1; x: 400; y: 700; }
PropertyChanges { target: pl2; x: 600; y: 500; }
PropertyChanges { target: pl3; x: 350; y: 500; }
PropertyChanges { target: pl4; x: 300; y: 500; }
PropertyChanges { target: pl5; x: 250; y: 500; }
transitions: [
Transition {
to: 'zigzag'
SmoothedAnimation { properties: "x,y,startX,startY"; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad; duration: 2000; onFinished: pathView.state = 'triangle' }
Transition {
to: 'triangle'
SmoothedAnimation { properties: "x,y,startX,startY"; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad; duration: 2000; }
Transition {
to: 'close'
SmoothedAnimation { properties: "x,y,startX,startY"; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad; duration: 2000; }
onRunningChanged: {
if (!running) {
pathView.model = 5
pathView.state = 'open'
Transition {
from: "close"
to: 'open'
SmoothedAnimation { properties: "x,y,startX,startY"; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad; duration: 2000; }
onRunningChanged: !running ? pathView.state = 'triangle' : ''
delegate: Rectangle {
width: 20
height: 20
radius: 20
color: 'green'
Controls.Button {
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
text: 'Start Animation'
onClicked: pathView.state = 'close'
“ zigzag”和“ triangle”之类的州名称与实际形状不同,只是出于测试目的而具有某种随机形状。