ID Date1 T1 Date2 Val1
A-1 2018-01-10 15:05:24 A 2018-01-15 10
A-2 2018-01-05 14:15:22 B 2018-01-14 12
A-3 2018-01-04 13:20:21 A 2018-01-13 15
A-4 2018-01-01 18:35:45 B 2018-01-12 22
A-5 2017-12-28 19:45:10 A 2018-01-11 18
A-6 2017-12-10 08:03:29 A 2018-01-10 21
A-7 2017-12-06 20:55:55 A 2018-01-09 28
A-8 2018-01-10 10:02:12 A 2018-01-15 10
A-9 2018-01-05 17:15:14 B 2018-01-14 12
A-10 2018-01-04 18:35:58 A 2018-01-13 15
A-11 2018-01-01 21:09:25 B 2018-01-12 22
A-12 2017-12-28 02:12:22 A 2018-01-11 18
A-13 2017-12-10 03:45:44 A 2018-01-10 21
A-14 2017-12-06 07:15:25 A 2018-01-09 28
1. Consider `Date2` for the `# of A` and `# of B` For both Date and month report.
2. `# of A` mean count of where `T1` is A for the same date and month. (same for B)
3. `Sum of A` mean sum of `Val1` for the same date and month. (same for B).
4. `Average of A` means Average of where `T1` is A for the same date and month. (same for B)
5. `Avg Time A` means Average of `Date2`-`Date1` value for "A" for the same date and month. (same for B)
6. I want these date for the last 7 days rolling back based on date available in Dataframe. (In dataframe data should be of 365 days but i want image for only last seven days rolling back)
7. For `A & B Consolidated` # of A and sum of B should be as per same logic but for month considering `Date2`.
8. For `MOM Growth` the Formula would be (i.e =(Feb-18-Jan-18)/Jan-18 in % (-) if negative)
9. `A & B Consolidated` should also be in 7 month rolling and it should automatically change the month if 8th month comes from first day.
答案 0 :(得分:2)
然后我将日期字段更改为my_data <- read.table(text =
"ID Date1 T1 Date2 Val1
A-1 '2018-01-10 15:05:24' A 2018-01-15 10
A-2 '2018-01-05 14:15:22' B 2018-01-14 12
A-3 '2018-01-04 13:20:21' A 2018-01-13 15
A-4 '2018-01-01 18:35:45' B 2018-01-12 22
A-5 '2017-12-28 19:45:10' A 2018-01-11 18
A-6 '2017-12-10 08:03:29' A 2018-01-10 21
A-7 '2017-12-06 20:55:55' A 2018-01-09 28
A-8 '2018-01-10 10:02:12' A 2018-01-15 10
A-9 '2018-01-05 17:15:14' B 2018-01-14 12
A-10 '2018-01-04 18:35:58' A 2018-01-13 15
A-11 '2018-01-01 21:09:25' B 2018-01-12 22
A-12 '2017-12-28 02:12:22' A 2018-01-11 18
A-13 '2017-12-10 03:45:44' A 2018-01-10 21
A-14 '2017-12-06 07:15:25' A 2018-01-09 28",
header = TRUE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
然后我使用table_1 <- merge(
my_data %>%
mutate(Date1 = lubridate::ymd_hms(Date1),
Date2 = lubridate::ymd(Date2)) %>%
filter(T1 == "A") %>%
group_by(Date2) %>%
summarise("# of A" = n(),
"sum of A" = sum(Val1),
"Average of A" = mean(Val1),
"Avg Time A" = round(mean(difftime(Date2, Date1)), 2)),
my_data %>%
mutate(Date1 = lubridate::ymd_hms(Date1),
Date2 = lubridate::ymd(Date2)) %>%
filter(T1 == "B") %>%
group_by(Date2) %>%
summarise("# of B" = n(),
"sum of B" = sum(Val1),
"Average of B" = mean(Val1),
"Avg Time B" = round(mean(difftime(Date2, Date1)), 2))
, by = "Date2",
all = TRUE)
table_1[is.na(table_1)] <- ""
table_1 %>%
tableHTML(rownames = FALSE,
widths = rep(100, 9),
second_headers = list(c(1, 4, 4),
c("", "Status of A", "Status of B")))
和# of A|B
sum of A|B
再次使用table_2 <- merge(
my_data %>%
mutate(Date2 = ymd(Date2)) %>%
arrange(Date2) %>%
mutate(Month = paste(month(ymd_hms(Date1), label = TRUE), year(Date1), sep = "-")) %>%
filter(T1 == "A") %>%
group_by(Month) %>%
summarise("# of A" = n(),
"sum of A" = sum(Val1)) %>%
mutate("MOM Growth # of A" = round(apply(cbind(`# of A`, lag(- `# of A`)),
1, sum, na.rm = TRUE) / lag(`# of A`), 2),
"MOM Growth sum of A" = round(apply(cbind(`sum of A`, lag(- `sum of A`)),
1, sum, na.rm = TRUE) / lag(`sum of A`) * 100, 2)) %>%
select(Month, `# of A`, `MOM Growth # of A`, `sum of A`, `MOM Growth sum of A`),
my_data %>%
mutate(Date2 = ymd(Date2)) %>%
arrange(Date2) %>%
mutate(Month = paste(month(ymd_hms(Date1), label = TRUE), year(Date1), sep = "-")) %>%
filter(T1 == "B") %>%
group_by(Month) %>%
summarise("# of B" = n(),
"sum of B" = sum(Val1)) %>%
mutate("MOM Growth # of B" = round(apply(cbind(`# of B`, lag(- `# of B`)),
1, sum, na.rm = TRUE) / lag(`# of B` * 100), 2),
"MOM Growth sum of B" = round(apply(cbind(`sum of B`, lag(- `sum of B`)),
1, sum, na.rm = TRUE) / lag(`sum of B`) * 100), 2) %>%
select(Month, `# of B`, `MOM Growth # of B`, `sum of B`, `MOM Growth sum of B`),
by = "Month",
all = TRUE)
table_2[is.na(table_2)] <- ""