后再次调用同一个batecho off
for /f "tokens=1-3 delims=," %%a in (info.csv) do @echo(%%~c,%%~a,%%~b)|sort|for /f "tokens=1* delims=," %%a in ('findstr "^"') do @echo(%%~b,%%~a>> ordered.csv
for /f "tokens=1-3" %%a in (ordered.csv) do echo %%~a%%~b%%~c >>ordered2.csv
( For /F "UseBackQ Tokens=1-3 Delims=," %%A In ("ordered2.csv") Do (
if %%C LSS %totalsec% echo %%~A,%%~B,%%~C>> info1.csv
if %%C GTR %totalsec% echo %%~A,%%~B,%%~C>> notyet1.csv))
@echo off & setlocal
rem // redirect output to new csv file
>"info2.csv" (
rem // get each line from the old csv file
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%I in ("info1.csv") do (
set "line=%%I"
rem // get the last column (max 20 columns)
call set "last=%%line:*,=%%"
for /L %%# in (1,1,19) do call set "last=%%last:*,=%%"
rem // remove spaces in last column and reassemble line
call call set "line=%%%%line:%%last%%=%%last: =%%%%%%"
rem // output result
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
@echo off & setlocal
rem // redirect output to new csv file
>"notyet.csv" (
rem // get each line from the old csv file
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%I in ("notyet1.csv") do (
set "line=%%I"
rem // get the last column (max 20 columns)
call set "last=%%line:*,=%%"
for /L %%# in (1,1,19) do call set "last=%%last:*,=%%"
rem // remove spaces in last column and reassemble line
call call set "line=%%%%line:%%last%%=%%last: =%%%%%%"
rem // output result
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "cmd=findstr /R /N "^^" info2.csv | find /C ":""
for /f %%a in ('!cmd!') do set max=%%a
set /a maxx = %max% + 1
echo Total: %max%
echo var i; >> timecheck.js
echo for (i = 1; i ^< %maxx%; i++) { >> timecheck.js
echo iimSet("loop", i); >> timecheck.js
echo iimPlay("timecheck"); >> timecheck.js
echo } >> timecheck.js
for /F "tokens=2" %%i in ('date /t') do set mydate=%%i
set mytime=%time%
SET /A wait=%RANDOM% * 100 / 120768 + 1
if %wait% LSS 5 set /a wait = %wait% + 5
if %wait% GTR 25 set /a wait = %wait% - 5
set /a wait = %wait% * 60
set /a second=%RANDOM% * 100 / 55768 + 1
set /a wait = %wait% + %second%
set /a wait = %wait% / 60
timeout %wait%