
时间:2018-02-18 05:24:15

标签: python python-3.x python-docx

我有一个使用python docx模块生成的docx对象。我怎样才能直接将其转换为pdf?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

以下内容适用于安装了Word的计算机(我认为Word 2007及更高版本,但不建议我这样做)。我不确定这是否适用于所有内容,但似乎对我适用于doc,docx和.rtf文件。我认为它应该适用于Word可以打开的所有文件。

# Imports =============================================================
import comtypes.client
import time

# Variables and Inputs=================================================
File = r'C:\path\filename.docx' # Or .doc, rtf files
outFile = r'C:\path\newfilename.pdf'

# Functions ============================================================
def convert_word_to_pdf(inputFile,outputFile):
    ''' the following lines that are commented out are items that others shared with me they used when 
    running loops to stop some exceptions and errors, but I have not had to use them yet (knock on wood) '''
    word = comtypes.client.CreateObject('Word.Application')
    #word.visible = True
    doc = word.Documents.Open(inputFile)
    doc.SaveAs(outputFile, FileFormat = 17)
    #word.visible = False

# Main Body=================================================================